In a dramatic reversal, Pentagon think-tank calls for a negotiated settlement in Ukraine

…which created ISIS. Now tell me, looking back, which would you prefer?

How much was it worth then IYHO?

K…and why is it the American people wish to cut a check for that?

Now that…is the epitome…of regurgibleating. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

Don’t fuss at me, I was against Iraq II from the very beginning.

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It’s after 5…I :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: u. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

I can only speak for one American person, and I don’t wish to cut a check, but I do recognize the value in finally stopping an aggressor such as Putin

you don’t read well, it doesn’t say they can’t take it, it says their afraid it would result in a nuclear response.

except of course I never said it would be over then. Could have been, but the wrong counter attack precluded it.

No going to happen. If Ukraine controls Zapharizhia and Kherson, and the Kirch bridge is down. Russia will have no choice but to surrender Crimea. They cannot hold it under those conditions and Ukraine has no incentive to let them.

I’m down. Let’s see…

I don’t think that’s comedy as much as it’s a fairy tale.

LBJ was a democrat.

Very good! Have a cookie, slugger. :cookie:

The US would curb stomp Beijing.

How did the US do after it ignored red lines from China in the Korean War?

China’s industrial economy has grown massively since then, while the US has shut down factories and moved them overseas. If the US can’t keep up with supplying weapons to Ukraine, it would be buried in a direct conflict with China.

The US stopped being the arsenal of democracy decades ago.

This is pretty close to where I stand on the issue.

How many times have I heard in my life “why didn’t anyone stop Hitler earlier on?”

Then here we are again with folks going “Europe’s problems are Europe’s problem…”

Ben Rhodes relates an anecdote where the Australian PM pointed out to him that the European collapse lead directly to America getting pulled into WWII.

While it is true that Japan and the U.S. were beefing about Manchuria, it was limited to sanctions on war material. But then opportunity opened up in French Indo-China (ceded by Vichy), Dutch East Indies, Hong Kong, Singapore, etc, etc, etc. And of course Pearl Harbor was then bombed
-during a state of peace-to forestall American intervention.

The point: European Problems tend to spill over. The French-Indian War, the War of 1812, The Quasi War, The War of 1812, The Barbary War, WWI, WWII, Spanish-American War, Haiti: all examples of European mischief that pulled America in.

Oh so now Rand is part of the Pentagon?
When did then Pentagon take it Over?
Why wasn’t it in the news?
Why is the Rand website deceiving us?

→ Were aliens involved in the secret takeover?<—

Which Independent Nonprofit Organization will the Pentagon take over next?

While Rand is privately owned, it is arguably the strategic brains for the US military-industrial complex. Rand originated as an Air Force program at the end of WW2 before it was spun off in 1948. Most of its funding comes from federal agencies that are directly responsible for the military and national security.

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