Impeachment Hearing Tuesday 11/19/2019

Glad to see that Schiff stopped Nunes’ attempt to out the whistleblower. The R’s are also using hypotheticals and imaginings. They have nothing.

You mean this?

10:20 A.M. — Vindman says the phrase “there are recordings” was left out from the Trump-Zelensky call transcript.

Sounds rather Nixonesque and cryptic.

Who said it and at what point?


Facts aren’t opinion.

Joe Biden was VP…fact.

Joe Biden MAY be the D nominee…opinion.


He said there were more things left out. He stated he thought it was simply a accident, but it emphasis the point that what was released was NOT a Transcript.
The other witness also agreed to this.

And as such shouldn’t be a bargaining chip in foreign relations as Trump has done.


Republicans going to so much trouble to defend Donald Trump. These are indeed strange times that we live in.

Nunes and Co. got nothing. Just wasting time with their idiotic conspiracy theories. Sad.

He is covering himself by claiming he thought it was an ACCIDENT.

OK then!


Is that for him to determine?

Why not?

Maybe this time they’ll serve burgers. lol

A biased news agency asks the President not to intimidate any more witnesses. :rofl::rofl:

“Pretty please, President Victim. Don’t tweet. Please.”

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Yet Trump acolytes continue to support him.

Can you blame them?

Defending Trump must be exhausting for them. And often embarrassing.

Of course they’d squeal for some sort of respite from the criminality.

Not just support him but also defend him to the bitter end…why? He’s not going to be president or live forever and will throw you under the bus at any chance he gets.

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Castor’s line of questioning about the “Wardroom” discussion is a disaster for Trump’s case.

Is Castor really a “Deep State” agent who has infiltrated the Republican team?

It’s true he will not be president forever. Only 5 more years.

Patriotism is love for our country, not a love of an individual who will throw you under the bus any chance he gets.
Why defend him to the bitter end?

Patriotism is supporting a man whose policies are doing so much good for the country…for 5 more years.

p.s. There is no bitter end coming here.

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