Impeachment Hearing Tuesday 11/19/2019

If he had it put in a more classified server because he was worried about the political damage if it was leaked, what specifically in the call did he think would cause political damage?

It sounds like Volker kept his head down and went along to get along whereas Taylor took offense to the Biden investigation peddling that was going on. Volker’s defense? He didn’t realize that Trump meant Biden until later.

The thing is that I almost buy it.

It is so crazy that a President would want a foreign country to publicly open an investigation into a potential political opponent that he could have dismissed it as being to bonkers for it to be true.

I dunno if I do. What I think it is, you’ve got a bunch of people who are invested in supporting Ukraine against Russia and Trump is basically saying, do this crazy ■■■■■■■ thing for me or I’ll ■■■■ it up just to spite you, and they rationalized it as the ends justifying the means or something.

Except Sondland. He’s clearly in a million miles over his head.

Sondland was like the opposite, he only cared about the pleasing Trump aspect. Today people are like " i don’t know what Sondland was up to" and tmw is just Sondland. Can Sondland say he was out of the loop within his own conversations?

Everyone’s ducking their heads down and Sondland is peacocking around namedropping Biden left and right.

Can’t wait to see the frothing when Trump gets impeached.

You have to keep in mind Sondland is literally just some clown who gave Trump a million dollars in campaign donations. And as per usual with Trump, it was a penny ante grift, to be a totally unqualified donor/ambassador to such a sensitive posting should have taken eight figures minimum.

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I nees to digest this…I’m not sure how to take it just yet…that 28% is more than I would have figured

This was a talking point from Rush Limbaugh last week.

Rush claimed that no one was interested in the impeachment hearings. He knows this because he asked around the office. He said the big news story of the day, that day was a spat between George Conway and CNN, or something like that. No one, according to Rush, was talking about the impeachment.

Meanwhile in the real world, Google trends indicated over 2 million searches on impeachment hearings and roughly 50,000 searches on Conway on that day.

Rush then went on to talk at great length and in great detail about these impeachment hearings that no one is talking about.

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Yeah vindman is gonna push this over 60% and sondland to 65%ish maybe closer to 70…but that’s reaching atm I think.

The gop has some hard thinking to do because this looks fairly bad. Vindman was a good witness. Nervous but honorable and did his duty. Trump and his base attacking him isnt gonna play well. Plus the jim Jordan clip is gonna kill the gop.

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So far i say: Trump withheld aid and put off a meeting until he could get something worthwhile for himself out of it. Aid got released before Trump could get what he wanted.

Because of this, we’ve had to endure people say incredibly stupid things like Trump caring deeply about corruption. Impeachable? I dunno…there aren’t any good people around Trump anymore really, and even when there were he barely listened. Sooooooooo i dunno. Dems throwing around “bribery” and “extortion”, not sure on that either. Seems like abuse of power for corrupt purposes. Not as catchy.

Oh… Sondland has no clue.

But I am going with giving the benefit of the doubt for now, that Volcker didn’t understand just how ■■■■■■■■ crazy the whole thing was and put his head down and tried to do his job.

Yep. Clearly it is an abuse of power.

Honestly… anyone who read the Mueller report would not be surprised at this type of behavior from the Presdient.

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It will come as a great surprise to no-one that the first point Fox News tried to make is the job offer as Defence Minister for Ukraine.

Nobody? I thought that was a slam dunk against him?

That’s a pffft. …laughb in their faces funny. They couldnt even get that to stick…lol.

They should try spy next…I’m sure that flop will land.

Schiff has a solid closing statement.

Gym Jordan rambling afterwards. What a clown.

The bribe was the White House meeting that he needs badly to look legit.
That’s not including the fec violations

What happened to you? When have I ever been “in character”? Are you so paranoid you can’t answer a simple question?

What do you think is going to happen? How bad is it?

“Nothing to see here folks…”