Impeach trump now

IOW there will be no impeachment. :wink:

A photo of what?

We already know that. Sheeese. :roll_eyes:



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Agreed. If he gets impeached we’ll have to listen to him whine until his final breath - “Witch hunt! Victim! Unfair!”

Of course, if the voters throw Giggles out on his ass in 2020 he’ll still whine.

Smoking gun…didnt think i needed to type that out

The only way impeachment succeeds is if gets caught with a dead girl or dead boy(the live boy doesn’t work anymore).

Otherwise, all the energy just isn’t worth it for NO payoff in the end. Look what happed to the R’s with Clinton.

They won the White House and the House, and later took back the Senate.

Oh and when Nixon was impeached, the Democrats won everything.

The “Impeachment is bad for the party!” is desperate Republican spin because they know Trump is indefensible.

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Fat donald could literally shoot someone on 5th ave today and 90% of Republicans will still vote for him in 2020.

You guys are going to be so disappointed…

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It’s not a secret anymore, everyone and their mother knows what fat donald is all about now. I think the nail in the coffin will be fat donald’s taxes/financials.



Anything else?

“Like a photo” :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Of them doing what? Sitting in a room talking? Looking at a tiger map in a private dacha? Holding hands?

So all this whining about trumps evil ways yet no action to set the moral compass?
Go figure
To the part of relying on 2020, democrats have ro put somebody up who can win. I dont see any winners in ths democrat party.

Fat donald had the benefit of being the unknown candidate in 2016. That ■■■■ flew out the window a long time ago.:rofl:

Um…they won the White House and kept Congress.

Okay thanks.


Sadly I can’t really disagree. Donald is an absolute travesty of a man and a POTUS, yet the DNC seems determined to help him win another 4 years.


People knew him in 2016. Turn on the tv and his name probably would have been mentioned.

Watch the deal with China.

Trump is Makin’ It RAIN, y’all!!!

Remember the jiggly puff screaming at the college speech? We ain’t seen nothing yet. He gets reelected I fully expect several cases of spontaneous combustion.