Immigration rebellion

It’s just as clueless but he meant they should apply for asylum in the safe and secure country of Mexico

Still waiting for you to show that they would be more targeted for violence in MX or any other country they pass through on the way to the US than in their home countries.

Then what purpose did it serve since it didn’t supoport any of your points?

Kids get taken away over bad choices their parents make every day. It’s the law.

Your lame attempts at ridiculous equations are ridiculous and stupid.

‘I Can’t Go Without My Son,’ a Mother Pleaded as She Was Deported to Guatemala


Do you have any idea how many laws the average citizen unintentionally breaks every day?

If a person breaks the law intentionally, and if they are caught, they pay the consequences. Entering the country illegally is breaking the law and there are consequences for that as well.

You do realize in almost every case where these people are charged for illegal entry for a first offense, they are released on time served… That’s typically within a few weeks of being charged…

Not unless they are deported.

I completely agree! My point is if they break the law by entering the country illegally as a family…send them back as a family. Don’t separate the families and waste time while processing paperwork that can takes months…

Is this just more “making crap up” on your part or do you have data to support this?

Catch and release was supposedly ended under the last administration or did you miss that?

I am asking you what the average sentence for a first time offender of illegal entry… Just answer the question…

You asked no such question.

If they are here illegally they usually get a suspended sentence in cooperation with immediate deportation, they aren’t released on the streets with time served.

How do you establish they are a family without testing?

Look, I get your point and even agree with the premise. However, what is to prevent some adults claiming these are their children with the intent to use and manipulate the system? What happens to the children then?

Throughout this entire thread I have been ALL about protecting the children from predators and being used by adults.

It CAN take months to establish that “this” is a legitimate family. I’d rather see months of separation before deporting only to later discover the children abandoned because the purpose for them was not served.

Or Ireland.

Why would anyone seek asylum in a country awash in assault rifles?

They don’t put them in single family dwellings.

How are they out of context?

What’s the difference between a detainee camp and a concentration camp?

Can someone explain what the Secretary is saying here…

She says they don’t separate families unless child is in danger, there is no custodial relationship or if the adult had broken the law. Wouldn’t just crossing the border be breaking the law?!?