I'm really hope Trump pardon Snowden

Yep, and Assange as well


The mainstream media is truly an enemy of “we the people”.

My man was planning on heading out of Russia before the US cancelled his passport and pressured Cuba not to take his flight.

He wanted to go to South America, but we didn’t let him.

I remember that now…

Yeah, I didn’t remember it either until I saw someone bring it up about a week ago.

It sure ruins the whole fleeing Russia smear being run on the guy.

What about them?

He shared massive military intel with other countries, it wasn’t just about our own agencies overstepping their authorities, arguably far more serious crimes not deserving of support.

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That I agree…and thus my biggest problem.

Leaking the lies of NSA is one thing. But sharing that intel with other countries.


What damage did he cause? And where was it caused? I can find a bunch of articles citing U.S intel guys saying its making them harder to do their jobs gathering intel. Which I guess you can trust and care about if you want.

If the government doesn’t want their classified information leaked maybe they shouldn’t don’t do evil crap and hide it from the people.

Our own agencies haven’t stopped surveilling us. It’s not overstepping, its official policy.


Snowden should have came home years ago. He’d have already been pardoned or had his sentence reduced.

He didn’t.

Now he’s ■■■■■■ and it’s not my problem.

Stuff that can get troops killed is off limits, ■■■■ that ■■■■■ I get the surveillance stuff but his actions went way beyond that.

One really needs to go through channels with that kind of thing, or at least ATTEMPT to. He can hang for all I care.

Our foreign policy gets troops killed.

I’m not sure what troop deaths we are supposed to be blaming on Snowden.

We are still doing the surveillance. What would going through “channels” solve? Besides us never hearing about the surveillance program?


It should be in this way.
Let him come back and tell the country what he learned about our intelligence agencies spying on Americans and their interference in our politics.
But before he does that, he needs to take an oath that he didn’t discuss our intelligence information with the Russian government.
If takes that oath and lies…jail for a long long time.

Pardon him from what? If he had stayed to take his lumps like Ellsberg or Manning I’d be for it. But he didn’t. He ran.

I’m with Ellsberg here.

He gave away many military secrets. That is nothing like exposing wrongful surveillance programs. I never said troops died from it, stop suggesting that I might be even inferring that. We have troops and assets all over the world and giving away information about them has severely dangerous potential to not only them, but all of us. That has nothing to do with domestic surveillance.

Sure, I thought you were talking about actual damage not potential danger or things you think could have happened.

Hell of a thing to condemn a man for.

Hell of a crime to commit.

Let’s start with the dictionary shall we?

If you’re going to afford special protection to Journalists then of course the law has to define what a journalist is so we then move of course to the legal definition of “journalist”.

Snowden was never a journalist by any definition, he was by any definition however a traitor and should at least spend the rest of his life in prison.

Not to mention exposing the foreign sources and operations completely putting those people’s lives and those of their families at risk.

That makes it even harder to develop sources in the future even if none of them are murdered as a direct result of his leaks.

It cripples the entire human intelligence network and that puts us all at heightened risk.