I'm lookning for the Biden DNC response to this, Can't find it

They love violence and their goons. They are seriously sick.

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And the rapist and ped…

Somebody needs to ask Kamala why she is working for someone who she believes is a sexual predator.


Biden doesn’t want to upset what few voters he has!

I consider this festive:

This is NOT festive:



oh no how dare someone use their rights! outrage.

Well, I know which one you consider festive now.

Not there was much doubt. Suddenly personal space is no longer a thing.

Careful what you wish for.

giving someone the finger isn’t illegal.

OMG! Grandpa soiled himself when someone flipped them the bird.

Another pivot.

Care to point out where I even mentioned illegal? Anywhere?

So much flailing.

Pointing out the difference in what libs and others consider festive.

Too bad people can’t even walk on a street anymore without some little ■■■■ in their face acting like a tough guy.

How old are you?

Old enough to be able to chuckle at the faux outrage over this.

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I certainly didn’t say either picture was festive.

Why do you have to broadbrush?

You seem upset that people are exercising their rights.

I gave what I considered an example of a festive outing and compared it to what was happening at what was described as a festive outing by protestors to contrast the two.

Sorry you are having a hard time understanding why some people don’t consider walking to your car while getting accosted and yelled at as being a festive time. :roll_eyes:

If you were old enough, you wouldn’t be chuckling. We’ll see how you laugh when you get to be that man’s age.


Is that what you think it’s all about?

I think it’s very telling that many think this behavior should be the norm in a polite society and expecting some decency and personal space is outlandish and unreasonable.

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You don’t have a right to get in my face, scream at me and flip me off. As a matter of fact, you don’t even have a “right” to address me in the street.


Very much do.
unless they physically touch you they are not breaking the law.