I'm Kind of Done with the Fox News Web Site

I haven’t received any spam from FOX news after signing up.

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With me it’s about principle. I refuse to provide my email address to simply read headline news, while hoping they don’t sell my email address or spam me with unwanted ads.

This is the way to do it. Have one Email account you don’t care about and use that for these kinds of things. Every once in a while stop by and blanket delete all emails. Very useful.

I love the accent of aussie women.

Unfortunately, about 10 percent of the time for me, a legitimate email will find its way to the spam folder. A lot easier to deal with it if I don’t use a separate email account. Currently I average about 40 or 50 spam emails per day being sent to my spam folder. A quick review of each subject line to ensure nothing important and then I simply empty the folder.

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Requiring any sort of interaction tends to prevent bots,

but yeah
FoxNews has now added itself to the list of a zillion sites (including this one) that require some sort of (free) verification for first-time users.

I get my info from lots of places.

Less and less from Fox. I go 2 or 3 weeks at a time without even turning on Fox.

Once in a blue moon i will watch our esteemed host or Gutfeld.

until they build a better bot…

Nails on a chalkboard.

It has been years since I tuned into Fox. I don’t miss it at all. I seem to recall it was around the time of Bill O’reily’s demise.

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This morning, every Fox article I clicked on said I needed to sign up. I guess that makes it official. No more Fox news for me.

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Those who don’t watch the news are Uninformed.

Those who do watch the news are Misinformed.



Blimey mate, its a bit early to be so philosophical.

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That’s what people without insomnia like to say. :rofl:


It’s possible that the article you linked to doesn’t fall under the paid subscription content, allowing free access to certain sections of the platform. If there is any paid version I don’t know exactly.

I’ve stopped reading Fox altogether. I still scan the headlines for something I might have missed on other websites and then navigate to other websites to read the content.

As an example, this morning I saw a caption about an Eagles “Hotel California” lyrics trial on the Fox website. Sure enough, clicking on it proved to be an exercise in futility. I then went to google and read about the trial on several other news websites.

I can’t for the life of me understand Fox’s logic behind that idiocy.

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BBC used to be my site of choice for news but not now since the update. No search function, no ability to select news categories you are interested in. They push the headlines to you. You can still find a plethora of content but it means clicking through multiple articles.

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Did you know the Daily caller has entertainment news? CNN too? Here’s what I do and it works perfectly.I scroll past the articles I’m not interested in and click ones I want to read. 100 percent effective.

My biggest issue with the Fox site is that it’s has been captured by white supremacists. It’s getting really bad. And they allow it.

I want to kiss her BOT she won’t let me.

FOX News has suffered under Paul Ryan Bot.


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I honestly don’t remember the last time I had anything to do with anything Fox. It used to be my go-to place for balance. I don’t even recognize it anymore.