Illinois manufacturer moving to Mexico over Trump tariffs

It doesn’t bother you that no one in the Democratic Party gives a crap about the welfare of the nation? It’s all Party this, and Party that, and “will I get reelected” for the dems, everything else be damned.

Trump puts America first,and even his own Republican Party comes second. And that’s why so many establishment Republicans openly oppose him, he’s a threat to them, and their selfish ways.

A lot of repubs would rather team up with the dems, if it meant keeping the status quo cronyism and corruption in place.

Even Bernie Sanders, who knows the DNC cheated him, and colluded to sabotage his election, licked the hand of power, like a good little lap dog to the Democratic Party machine. There is not independent Trump in the Democrat stable, they are all lap dogs.

Yeah. It’s almost as though we need someone who can actually make a deal instead of tantrum tariffs that hurt the forgotten man.

You supported this, though.

That would mean they’s have to convince everyone that the good economy and jobs are not real, and the dems will not repeal the tax cuts and take back their “crumbs.” Up is down, black is white, vote for dems… cuz… well… just cuz.

What counter campaign are the dems running on? What horrible things are they going to change?

Oh yeah, the repubs want to take away your social security and cut medicare. Oh, and they are racist, misogynistic homophobes, who want dirty air and water.

Ironic that you would choose a millionaire not getting his yacht as your example.

Someone didn’t read the article linked in the OP.

Trump puts Trump first.

Once you get that everything else makes sense.

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Nothing ironic about jobs being lost due to tariffs.

How many stack on gun cabinets do you have? How about tool cabinets and boxes?

Do you know anything about their products?

How about construction of those products?

Well, consider the man, then it isn’t so hard to imaginge.

Tariffs are hurting the working man. I buy American products wherever possible.

Trying to compete with Chinese cheap products hurt the working man.

do you know what those yellow things are at that factory in China?

Safety nets because Chinese worker were jumping out the windows.

So how does this contradict what I’ve been saying?

Well that must be true just because you stated it. /sarcasm

The true is I could lay out exactly what their plans are and then you would back with some response like reguritating, LW talking points, or one of your other repetitive and boring posts.

So there is no point in trying to educate you.

Yes and no.

One things Americans got better at was making certain products that were durable efficiently.

Now where they got hurt was consumer goods sold to domestically. I believe it was Rubber maid who was forced by Walmart to move production to China to lower prices or lose shelf space.

Their products were selling fine at the prices they were charging.

Well, no. If you were paying attention, you might remember that the Obama administration negotiated the Trans-Pacific Parternship, as a way to enact favorable terms and order in the region, and exert pressure on the Chinese. But Trump’s reaction was, as always, to do the opposite of what Obama did. That’s as deep as President ■■■■■■■■ and his slack-jawed followers, get.

No, you couldn’t. They don’t have any plans.

Good point, I did forget. … I hope dems remind voters of the TPP.

Here’s Bernie on it…

"I am glad the Trans-Pacific Partnership is dead and gone,” Sanders said. “For the last 30 years, we have had a series of trade deals — including the North American Free Trade Agreement, permanent normal trade relations with China and others — which have cost us millions of decent-paying jobs and caused a ‘race to the bottom’ which has lowered wages for American workers. Now is the time to develop a new trade policy that helps working families, not just multinational corporations. If President Trump is serious about a new policy to help American workers, then I would be delighted to work with him.”

All you guys are doing is showing your support positions held by the same liberals you claim to be against.

I’m not a big fan of Walmart…only been in one store my entire lifetime.

Nothing but cheap ■■■■ that I have really no use for.