Illegal immigration and minimum wage

A couple questions here.

Once angry grandpa allows the caravans into the U.S. What will these people do? What are we going to pay a non English speaking zero skill person 15 dollars per hour do? What makes them worth 15 bucks? Any idea?

Secondly, what jobs do you expect to see cut due to the minimum wage hike? I’m predicting that all cashier jobs will vanish. When you pull up to a McDonalds drive through, you will tap your order into a kiosk. What do you think will be cut?

The caravan in question was disbanded.



And my question remains.

What are we going to pay a non English speaking zero skill person 15 dollars per hour do? What makes them worth 15 bucks? Any idea?

If…as a business owner, you can’t afford to pay $15/hr, they’ll simply cut back the number of workers and require more output from each or go bankrupt? I mean…this dumb ass idea has worked so well in Seattle? Those in government that came up with this, are now blaming the pandemic. It’s either point fingers or look at the man in the mirror for the problem and what do the weakest in society do, they point their weak fingers.

No one could have anticipated COVID-19 and the precarious position Capitol Hill retailers and restaurants would endure. Some businesses like The Wandering Goose couldn’t get the support they needed from the city and shuttered for good. Rosén said that for businesses just struggling to keep the lights on, the wage increase could force difficult decisions.

Yes they could. All you had to do was read my posts here in Hannity Land and…I told ya so. :sunglasses:


Now this.

What are we going to pay a non English speaking zero skill person 15 dollars per hour do? What makes them worth 15 bucks? Any idea?

Did you read your own arguement?

In addition -What is Seattles Unemployment currently? Do you know?
Did the Min wage increase (That started 7 years ago) have any impact on unemployment or # of business? Obviously covid did - But was Seattles unemployment different then the rest of hte nation?

Did you read the article? Some businesses had to close because they could not afford 15 bucks per hour. How bad will this be nationally?

What are we going to pay a non English speaking zero skill person 15 dollars per hour do? What makes them worth 15 bucks? Any idea?

Small businesses will find a way.

They always do.


That’s a horrible answer. More like a non answer. Sounds like Jurassic Park.

Small businesses are not looking for non English speaking, unskilled labor to pay 15 bucks to do God knows what. There is no demand for that.

Some business closed because they could not afford the cost of doing business. Others came in and replaced them. Prior to March there were more restaurants in Seattle in 2020 then there were in 2013.
In addition -Seattle STILL has one of the highest restaurants per -capita then any place in the country.

The impact from Covid closed much more business then their min wage hike and if we could solve the pandemic and end that, it would save MANY more business then what the min wage is.

As for your really poor asked question - The answer is the same job they are doing today. If they are providing a service that the company needed today - they still need that same service tomorrow.

I agree a jump from $7.xx to %$15 could be really hard for most business. I do not support that. I do support gradual min wages (Like Seattle taking 7 years) so business can plan.

There will be.


Agriculture labor jobs. Those are back breaking, manual labor jobs that are well worth 15 bucks an hour.

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That’s not what it said.

Non-English speaking is not equivalent to “zero skill”.

Not even here.

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Wrong. They will close because the government forced them to close. If an employee does not generate 15 dollars per hour on worth for the business, he is a liability and must be cut. Simple math that even progressives should understand.

What are we going to pay a non English speaking zero skill person 15 dollars per hour do? What makes them worth 15 bucks? Any idea?

Good post.

Is it the purview of the government to force business to plan?

So? Who said it was? The new law states that we must pay everyone, including non English speaking, zero skilled labor 15 bucks per hour. My question remains.

To do what?

Question. Are we talking about people with “zero skill” or are we talking about jobs that require “zero skills”? Because there’s a difference. All jobs require some sort of skill. But not all people have skills to maintain employment.

Currently Seattle’s unemployment rate is 4.4%.