Illegal immigration and Kids

2 years after?

Seven more New Jerseys? No thanks.

Look at all those 2024 voters!

Here’s something I hope is not true:

First hand complaints of being strapped down to chairs with bags over their heads. Former employee noted bruises and broken bones that were supposedly from the guards.

Fyi, kids at this facility did not come with adults but alone across the border. The appear to be fleeing gang violence.

Just stop it with the hysterical rhetoric. Babies are not being locked in cages. That is pure ■■■■■■■■■

But since you don’t support them being separated until the adult with them can be screened and verified, that makes it clear what you are in support of is keeping children mixed with adults who could be criminals, phedopiles and rapists.

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Illegals (children and adults) are vulnerable to abuse.


maybe[quote=“SneakySFDude, post:1545, topic:4537, full:true”]
Look at all those 2024 voters!

Hopefully they stay in Texas and remember who put them in there in 2024. :slight_smile:


This is all part of the lawyer fee…time vacuum that creates a reality where nothing actually gets done.

Except the lawyers get paid and the asylum seekers and tax payers get played.

Brought to you by the salty tears of Ms. Maddow and the Archer Daniels Midland Foundation.

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Would be more effective if there was a wall behind the child and Trump was making a kicking motion…

I love these “if only you knew who I was and what I do for the world” posts. It leaves so much to the imagination. Not saying you are making anything up though. For all I know you may be a direct descendant of Mother Teresa.

And propaganda.

You don’t want them in your neighborhood?

They already are here in Dover, I say spread the wealth to the poorer states.

well except illegals make more money in Jersey by far. which is why they migrate here in the first place


Get them behind a fence in Dover?


Free range.


Wrong. Here’s what the ACLU is doing.

I just showed that your statement about the ACLU blocking the EO was a lie.

Democrats have cared more about the welfare of these people in the last five minutes than you Republicans have in the last damn decade. Don’t give me this partisan crap.

For the last 5 minutes. You aren’t fooling anyone.