Illegal immigration and Kids

I think Nielsen addressed that in her speech day before yesterday adequately. If the asylum claims are held up the parents and kids are to be reunited and allowed to stay, if not they are to be reunited and deported as a family.

How does the fence around Guantanamo Bay keep the Cubans out?

That “Guatemalan facing certain death” had asylum as soon as the left Guatemala…in Mexico.

I bet she will be gone from her job before the year is over. Might happen within weeks in fact.

I wonder what it sounds like when Johnny and Jane Methhead get arrested and separated from their kids?

I seriously doubt it, she’s doing a pretty good job from what I can tell and she’s doing it exactly in accordance with Trump’s wishes.

And there are already cases of parents being deported without their children and any information of when they’ll be reunited

And??? Are the kids being cared for here while the travel details get worked out?

Take a look at this “concentration camp”.

Roughly 70% of Americans oppose this. Allegedly she was one of them, but is doing this now because her boss told her to. Apparently she was hounded and harassed at a restaurant today, so she can’t even go out to eat a meal in peace.

Wouldn’t surprise me at all if she called it quits, sooner rather than later.

Nielsen doesnt’ look like she’s working under duress in any way. She looked pretty sparky at the speech the other day.

Look a little closer.

Did you mean to reply to me? I haven’t been calling them concentration camps.

On the contrary, I think it’s disgusting that some people are comparing this to the Japanese internment camps and the Nazis.

That totally dishonors those victims and their families. And they were innocent victims.

I don’t know why you people think the “quality” of the facility justifies snatching the children from their parents.

Yep, Casa San Diego is even nicer.

Of the 1,500 kids there only about 70 were “separated” from their families. The rest were trafficked or came alone.

Beats the hell out of the foster system most inmate’s children end up in.

How is comparing people who have been and forcibly detained to other people who have been forcibly detained equate to “disgust” and “dishonor?”

So? I don’t care if they are putting them up at the Ritz Hotel. Kids should not be taken from their parents.

Only exceptions of course are parents who are criminals or otherwise unfit.

And of course I do believe in vetting… make sure they are the real family members and not attempting human trafficking.

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If you are actually asking the question no answer is going to satisfy you because you are totally lacking in anything resembling intellectual honesty.