IG - Report On Clinton Investigation

OK. I’ll leave it broke then.

Conan used to be interesting and insightful. These days, he can only muster a modicum of rationality before his posts devolve into snide trolling.


That;s why no one takes you serious.

The projection is strong in clueless cult member @conan.

You get just what you give lib.

OK you go your daily quota.

The right “would have lost its everloving mind?” Many on the right were calling for him to be fired after his “recommendation” that Hillary not be prosecuted. Not the director’s job to make that call.

Still going with the “she was too stupid to know she was breaking the law” defense? You heard it here. Ignorance of the law isn’t an excuse, UNLESS you’re a Democrat. :roll_eyes:

I meant specifically at the point when he announced that the investigation was being reopened.

Regardless, LEOs make that decision all the time. And i don’t really want to rehash all the procedural issues with what he did. My point stands that there was clearly bias found against Hillary and had Obama fires him when he reopened the investigation in October the right would have lost its mind.

And year the health care system is broke but yeah leave it or better yet come up with non solution solutions like opening up interstate insurance which is already allowed

Gotcha. I think Obama should have fired him anyway. But then again, it should have been back when he made his “recommendation” after the Lynch-Clinton tarmac meeting. Could have then appointed another special prosecutor without most of the bs we’ve been sitting through for the last two years.

Really, so it’s LEOs and not attorneys who decide to prosecute. Interesting.

Some light reading for you.

By the by, the director of the FBI wouldn’t be prosecuting the case. That would be the AG. You know the one who met with Clinton on a tarmac right before Comey made his announcement.

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Both. Regardless it’s arguable. There is no rule that’s says only prosecutors in federal law or regs

It doesn’t matter. The “recommendation” was irrelevant. The decision had already been made.

It doesn’t matter you are 100 percent right and not only because the decision was made but also because his procedural decision not to act wasn’t the only reason the right called for his fiiring. It was the decision not to prosecute.

The right wasn’t only calling for his firing either. Lynch should have also been fired.

Never mind the fact that you libs had screwed me.

No it’s common sense because officers generally aren’t as up to speed on the rules of court proceedings as attorneys are. Their job is to gather evidence and give it to the attorney who then decides whether or not its enough to warrant seeking prosecution. In the real world anyway.

It’s no where near over.

Indeed. Total disarray.

He’d better retire quick.

Right. Absolutely correct.