IG report of conduct of Director Comey

I would believe you but there are investigations still going on into Obama’s attempted coup.

McCabe was the first one fired, it would seem appropriate for him to be the first on indicted.

Ooh! Has that happened yet?

Here we are! Indictments?


Not yet. I wonder if we should keep hoping and believing the media resources we consumed that lead us to this nothing burger or do some self reflection about the numerous conspiracies we fill bought into.

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I think we should flush those Fake News purveyors 15 times.


I still have a day. :sunglasses:

No, those who buy into this crap have a lifetime for it.

It will never stop, no matter what theories are debunked and facts confirmed.

Believing in this conspiracy is the beginning and the end of the endeavor. Nothing else matters. No matter what, there will always be another YouTube video. Drip. Drip. Drip.


I am sure KittyKatQ will have a conspiratorial video explaining why no indictments, frog marches, or jail cells. Drippity dots.


Womp, womp. :worried:


Apocalypto, is it bad that this makes me laugh?


Nope, 'cause I’m laughing as well. :rofl:

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Then let me provide you my light source at the end of this tunnel…it’s Durham and his conclusions. Horowitz toes a line to not alienate either party against him and does so brilliantly. I’m not looking for more politics regarding this subject. I want the truth revealed…what ever that may be?

oh noes. what now, trumpsters?

Nobody expected the Deep State Justice Dept to find the FBI guilty of misdeeds concerning the Russia probe. After the election Trump will have more flexibility in getting people in there who will find the kinds of misdeeds we know exist.

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Respectfully, you want a truth revealed, not the truth.

If Durham finds nothing, what will you say? That’s the million dollar question.


A million dollar question; its worth two bucks and bridge in Brooklyn. The response will be that Durham is part of the Deep State and we need an investigation into Durham’s investigation. This has been the tactic of the CED when conspiracy theories are disprove for years. Since it works to keep the conspiracy fans in the state of perpetual hurt and outrage that the CEC strives for why stop now.

Trump and the CEC learned P.T. Barnum’s lessons well.


I know that im feeding a mythical creature from scandinavian folklore (it would be great if @Snow96 would do something about that), but in your view what are the odds that the FBI is indeed clear of any misdeeds regarding the Russia probe?
Additional question, how do you “know” that those misdeeds indeed existed?

Of course he does. We don’t prosecute high ranking government officials. That would be barbaric.

Old thread. Is comey in the news again, or are libs just bored?