If you think that a group can be fairly defined by the worst person in the group, the worst person in your group is you

Oh I do code reviews frequently. The only way ANYONE would know something nefarious happen on those machines would be after reviewing the code and audit trails.

So have you or anyone else you listen to, reviewed the code?

Get back on topic please. This is not a rehash of voter fraud.

Not with Wolf as Governor, he will veto and over-ride is not quite there.

Next Governor will be R, shutdowns were clearly now political. This will be 2022 election, not far off.

It will be a national government law.

Golly gee, does this mean all the “The democratic party now belongs to AOC!” comments are gonna disappear?

No. Not as long as she is over amplified by the media.

You might want to get used to her and her ilk, she’s just getting started. Ayanna Pressly is inching up as well.

Identifying vulnerabilities doesn’t equate to exploiting those vulnerabilities on a scale required to steal a national election.

As an analogy, just because my house is vulnerable to break in, doesn’t mean I have been burgalarized.

This guy really is a terrorist. Glad they arrested him.

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Would that apply to all the posts here trashing all libs on the basis of one incident?

What is he doing walking around free if they know he fought with a foreign terrorist organization?


You what?

Were you directing that post at me?


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