If you hate the USA so much, you are free to leave

See my response to her post.

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KBI. Kansas Bureau of Investigation.

Americans are some of the hardest working people in the world. Most dont get paid maternity leave, six weeks vacation a year. Were not as fortunate as you think. Where do people work 70 to 100 hrs a week just to make it?


TIL there’s such a thing as the KBI.

My mother was the director of a state health agency. Well connected.

If we had a state whose name began with F, then what would we call their Bureau of Investigation?

I see ads now where side hustles are a thing to pay the bills. Clearly the economy is doing really well when people have to have side hustles along with their full time jobs just to make ends meet.

You couldn’t support your claim and still can’t. How many more dodges before you bail again?

Odd, as far to the left as you are I’d think you’d actually understand how propaganda works.

They weren’t using it, they were victims of it.

Excellent points!

Horse hockey. The previous administration certainly did though even falsifying two of four FISA warrants and then intentionally leaked selected bits to smear first his campaign and then to cripple the Trump administration.

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What a weird fantasy world you live in.

I look forward to getting trump out so you and other posters here can get back to being talk radio conservatives who care about the constitution.

Leat 2-3 of four Warrants issued for Carter page surveillance were falsified and illegally obtained.

Yeah, you did.

Are republicans racists?

What kind of lib are you?

You’re doing it wrong.

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No I did it exactly right which is why I was able to retire at 50.

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Glad that worked out for you, but there were other paths that don’t require grinding away youth.

I spent my youth with JSOC. I started my civilian career in the mid 90’s and retired 8 years ago in 2012. I “ground it out” for 22 years along with earning a Masters and a double BS.