If universal health care is so bad how come no one has dropped it?

Not reallly.

It is an example of the difference between an elastic and inelastic demand.

People do it every day.

Can people do without some kind of house?


You are really going to argue this?

Medical care and housing are not equivalent, but I think you know that.

Cars and houses are not commodities.

You’re right- a more accurate word would have been products.

Yes really, given what’s parked in the driveways of some of those who can’t afford health insurance.

And in the US, how long do you think it will be before a determination is made that healthcare covered under the additional private policies are a right under the single payer?

Of course they are.


You’re not?

Again, you don’t have a plan. You have an idea.

Why does medicare work and why won’t simple expansion solve the problem?

So is healthcare.

Ah… the anecdotal person who has nice stuff argument.

It is a failure of an argument on many levels. It is simply reflective of the bias that you want to see.

And as far how far single payer would be considered a right? Not soon enough in my opinion.

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Yes, but the demand is inelastic.

Hope that helps.

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Excuses, excuses. Nothing is stopping you from saving on your own now to self insure once you turn 65.

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Even Ayn Rand took her imorral social security money.

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No, I just misread what you wrote.

a raw material or primary agricultural product that can be bought and sold, such as copper or coffee.
synonyms: item, material, product, article, object; More
a useful or valuable thing, such as water or time.

Cars and houses are finished goods or merchandise, not commodities.

If a person has health issues to the point where they are unable to financially take care of themselves, the responsible thing is not to expect society to take over the burden of their care. This only encourages poor people to have health issues. If you can afford a cell phone, car payment, rent and food, then you obviously have enough money to pay for your own health care. People got to learn how to prioritize.

You are getting into semantics.

The definition of a commodity that I am referring to is something that is for an exchange of money or time.

I am using a broad definition while you want to narrow it.

Both uses are fine.

You’re wrong. a catastrophic illness can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. Childhood diseases like Type 1 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis or cystic fibrosis are life long illness requiring expensive medications and treatment.

A person who bought a nice tv six months before getting injured at work is obviously stealing fro the system.

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