If they shoot you, they don’t even run

It’s not usually the cops that are the problem but rather the folks who refuse to surrender with out a fight in many cases. You fight the police and even pull a gun in some circumstances then what do you expect?

There are some bad apple cops but not nearly as many as some like to claim imo.

Yeah like drug addiction is not a disease right?

It’s a sign of alienation from greater culture.

My bad. I misinterpreted your post. Leaving the game is on everyone’s mind except the most die hard members.

Oh boohoo. It’s a sign of ■■■■ you and everyone else. Killing is just a way of life and so is dying. Save me the other side of the tracks society is the blame. I know way more about the killers than most.

They bring their poison and peddle it on their own. And kill to keep the money flowing. It’s not politics, it’s not society, it’s not rich vs poor. It’s disease ridden minds that believes in kill or be killed. Survive at all costs. Just like the addict they feed needs heroin to survive. They need supply, demand and a market place to survive.

It’s not an excuse. It’s an analysis. Your methodology hasn’t extinguished this phenomenon because it ignores a crucial component: isolated organized warfare in urban cities is indigenous, not “spread” like a pathogen. Obviously it has a materialist explanation, not a mystical origin.

It is spread. Areas of Chicago safe 5 years ago are no longer safe…and it’s due to the spread of gangs. Organizations of violent men and women…spreading out thru neighborhood after neighborhood. Gangs are the very definition of a spreading pathogen. They infect one block at a time.

Don’t know much about Chicago PD, huh? Historically it’s one of the most brutal and corrupt departments in the nation. Hell, they had a “black site” where they tortured suspects discovered a few years ago.

Let them quit then if they’re too scared to do their job.

The whole “do what we want or we won’t enforce the law” attitude that cops have these days is ridiculous.

Not buying it at all. People who behave themselves have little or nothing to fear from the police.

The gov’t of the state is not in danger from either a foreign invasion or a domestic rebellion.

Equating the current state of affairs in Chicago to the aftermath of Katrina and Rita is wrong in every way it can be wrong.

We do not want to lower the bar for when Federal Troops may be deployed in the states.

I see your point and the potentially dangerous road it could lead to. But, what do you do when the police can’t get control?

The governor has lots of resources including the state police and National Guard.

We had National Guard here after hurricane Charley. They did keep the peace. Damn scary but still…

Why do you suppose they haven’t been brought in?

Because as bad as it is, things are much better there than they have been in the past.

What happened that makes it better now than in the past? What has changed?

The homicide rate is down about 40% over it’s peak in the 90’s.

What worked that it is down 40%? What changed?

More than anything I think it was the increased penalties for violent and drug related crimes. Of course much of that is now being undone so don’t be surprised to see it come unglued again.