If there is a Devil, what's his favorite sin?

From what I see in my life. It’s pride. Pride has destroyed more families, relationships, careers and people than all of the lying, stealing and adultery and combined.

How many relationships have been destroyed because people do something wrong, say something wrong or treat people poorly then they dig in their heals and refuse to acknowledge that they are anything less than perfect? How many times have you seen this. Somebody does something wrong, then they blame another person for their decision? Sometimes all that is needed is for someone to say, “You’re right, I probably should not have said that, or done that.” That’s all it would take to save a relationship. Yet pride gets in the way and people place it above family, friends co-workers, everyone. A relationship can recover from almost any trauma. Except pride. Pride is a death sentence.

In my mind, there is no doubt that the devil (if there is one) loves pride.

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Satan’s sin is wrath.

A relationship can recover from almost any trauma. Except pride. Pride is a death sentence.

True or false?

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Pride…I think someone can learn from pride and become more humble. Wrath…I don’t think anyone could recover from.

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favorite misses the point…

any would be too many

Point of clarification: for this discussion, are we just considering the big 7?

But you rarely see it. When people have a choice to save a relationship or save their pride. Pride usually wins.


Pride is underrated and rarely discussed. We spend more time discussing who is right right or wrong than we do who is being blocked by pride.

A relationship can recover from almost any trauma. Except pride. Pride is a death sentence.


What point would that be? Is there another point I’m trying to make that I am unaware of?

Despair may be near the top.

I assume this means “yes”, we are limiting to the 7 Deadly.

With that in mind, I agree with you that pride is dangerous, and that may well be Satan’s favorite path to temptation.

However, for my money greed is the most dangerous sin to, and in, lives actually lived. Especially since pride doesn’t have the pull factor of greed: greed is human nature, and infernal influence isn’t a requirement.


I think the fact that people rarely speak of the misery and despair that pride has caused, proves he is a master of deception. He’s using our pride to divide and destroy. And we go along with it willfully. Every day, everywhere. Nearly every person. As I sad before.

When people have a choice to save a relationship or save their pride. Pride usually wins.

No. I’m focusing on pride because millions of families and relationships are destroyed by it every day. It’s almost invisible. People are so obsessed by who is right or wrong, they are totally blind to it. And it’s rarely recognized for the misery its created. It’s typically ignored. Which demonstrates the the genius of Satan. Pride is his masterpiece.


I think pride is the sin that stems purely from selfishness.

Having an affair with your spouse’s sibling ranks right up there.

On the board if not number 1.

not necessarily your point - but the point of sin - which is the disobedience of the rules that God had set… in for a penny, in for a pound…

Gossip is evil’s favorite sin as it destroys character through lies & causes unnecessary conflicts among families & friends. It separates human beings from their connections.

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I wouldn’t be at all surprised if there was a level of hell where they play Lee Greenwood’s I’m Proud to be an American on repeat with the volume set to 11.