If the polls are right and biden wins big plus the dems take the senate is that a mandate?

It just has to make more sense for those who live there, right now it kinda stinks for them. But I don’t know how statehood helps them, it just helps the Dems. While I like the idea of running up the score, I kind of just want to win fair and square, in contrast to the GOP’s methods.

Puerto Rico needs to be a state though, they have waited long enough.

That or cut them loose. I really don’t want this hanging around forever.

They’re American citizens already, they live in every state of the Union. How are we going to cut loose 6 million American citizens?

Good point. I’m just tired of this debate on Puerto Rico. I’m guessing there could be a transition period or dual citizenship specifically for that nation.

Tell me true conservative that Obama was not pushing for socialism right out of the gate with the ACA?
Tell me true conservative that Obama was not trying to get rid of the constitution with DACA?
Tell me true conservative that Obama was not trying to get rid of the constitution with the killing of an american citizen without a trial?
And you supported all this as a true conservative just like you defend every leftist. Tell us why you agreed with Obama on all of this as a true conservative and why you will agree and defend every push by Biden and Kamala towards socialism?

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Now I barfed at the distortion in your post. Forgetting the wingnuts on the left are we.
Leftist are no saints and have not been any better than anyone else in DC.
Tell me what did obama do to get rid of the grifting, divisiveness? I seems to remember he double down on this.
I remember the left loved it that he told half the country to shut up and get in the back of the bus. I remember the left loved it that obama told half the country to shut up because he won and we lost.
Now tell me where was senile biden when all this was going on? I don’t remember biden being out there telling his side of the aisle that they needed to listen to the other side and not call names and to act like adults.
No he was all on board with elections have consequences we have a mandate to rule as we want. The other half of the country can get in the back of the bus and come along for the ride but we don’t need your input.
Your right the wingnuts on the left went all in on doubling down on most of the things everyone claims to hate. The hate bubbled to the surface. The divisiveness was ratcheted up to levels not seen before.
You seem to forget that Trump came into office with the nasty sore loser left already working to impeach Trump. We heard from day one the false tales of Russia Russia Russia. Before he even took office they worked to get electors to vote against the voters. We started hearing about using the 25th amendment.

You told it exactly like it is there! :+1:t2: :clap: :clap: :clap:

That post is a Masterpiece. :clap: :clap: :clap:

Do you say the same about all the rino’s who have worked for almost four years with the left to go against the conservative voters who elected Trump?
These losers have spent almost four years doing nothing but wreaking havoc on the GOP. They have shown that if the conservative voters don’t lick their boots they will not work to primary the elected conservatives they don’t like. No they will support the left to punish the very people they are suppose to represent.

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“Good Job, it’s working.”?

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It’s conclusive evidence that the American People’s lives, liberty and rights associated with property ownership are in great danger.


Today’s Fifth Column media ___ MSNBC, NEW YORK TIMES, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, WASHINGTON POST, ATLANTIC MAGAZINE, New York Daily News, Time, ETC., and their countless Yellow Journalists who are socialist domestic revolutionaries ___ make Russia’s old Pravda, [an organ of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union] look like propaganda amateurs.

The bigliest danger. We’re coming for that broken down car on the lawn. muhahahaha


Read up on what socialism is, and then we can talk. Start here perhaps?

Socialism is an economic and political system. It is an economic theory of social organization. It believes that the means of making, moving, and trading wealth should be owned or controlled by the workers. This means the money made belongs to the people who make the things, instead of a group of private owners. People who agree with this type of system are called socialists.[1]

Socialists believe that everything in society is made by the cooperative efforts of the people and citizens.[2]

Now, tell me how private insurers providing a fee-for-service to people, as they do with the ACA falls into the realm of socialism.

Don’t get me wrong, I opposed the ACA from the beginning. But to call it socialism is just silly and only highlights ones complete lack of understanding of what the definition of socialism is.

So dramatic. I did not agree at all with his end-run of Congress when it came to DACA. But to try and convince me that his Executive Order (which Trump could have, and should have easily rescinded if he were not such a colossal ■■■■■■■ of a man) means we no longer have the Constitution of the United States is ridiculous. The Constitution is still here, and is still being adhered to by most folks not named Trump.

I have serious issue with this, and made my concerns well known over this. I thought it was an impeachable offense personally.

But guess what, here we are years later and the Constitution is still around. Weird, right?

The sign of a failing argument is to make up the alleged positions of the person you are arguing with, and then to debate against that which you just fabricated. Do you know what this juvenile tactic is called in debate? :thinking:

Back on the socialism thing again? And coupled with a definitive statement about how you can see into the future. Well done! :+1:


The very people they feel betrayed them. Yes, there are Conservatives who are fighting right now to represent the movement they care about, the movement that is being betrayed by Trump and his sycophants. They could just get along and go along, but they have STANDARDS and they are true to their word and their oaths. Trump is the RINO, not the Lincoln Project, not RVAT, not Justin Amash.

It takes integrity to stand up for what you believe in and not submit to the easiest path when you know you would be in the wrong. They go after politicians who have betrayed their oaths, their party and their movement just so that Trump won’t write a mean tweet about them. That sort of spineless behavior should be excoriated and I am glad these guys are not only tearing them a new one now, but will continue even after this election.

Principled Conservatives actually standing up for what is right and punishing their own when they act like lackeys to a blowhard like Trump? Tell me who they support and I will probably vote for them. We owe them a debt of gratitude, they are trying to save the soul of the GOP and we need the GOP as much as the DNC.


I’ll say right now I don’t like Trump. I don’t think he’s a moral person, and I didn’t vote for him in the last election.

I do like his policies, things he’s actually done and wanted to do I liked…and then he opens his mouth and talks.

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From “The Hill”

“Even if Democrats win back the Senate and the White House and H.R. 51 were to be enacted, the 23rd Amendment to the Constitution would need to be repealed, a change that would require ratification by at least 38 states, which would be a daunting challenge.”

However, Biden has favored statehood for Puerto Rico if they vote for it, so that would be a legitimate thing to do. Not sure I favor it, but I can’t argue it would not be legitimate.

See I knew you could not go against your true leanings.
See here you are thinking only you know what socialism is just like a lib.
See here you are defending making the citizens pay for a product they don’t want plus paying for everyone and using the same spin as the leftist. Sure that’s not socialism no.
Next you go to calling names. How juvenile. Seems you have no other defend your leftist leaning so go to name calling.
It’s funny that some true conservatives rarely show up in threads talking about spending, abortion, gun control, border control, states rights, SC judges except to side the the left or bash what ever conservative that the thread is about.
But the same people still run to the defense of leftist socialism.
Just here in this thread you support the left in adding two new states so the leftist can be in control for ever.
So I guess you like one party rule as long as it’s the side you like.
Tell us what is you stance going to be if the left gains total control and
Packs the courts
Goes for more gun control if not outright confiscation
How about the government paying for abortions up until the moment of birth
Taxing you over 50% to pay for free college, living wage, healthcare for all, plus the new green deal.
How open borders and amnesty for all
How about leftist hate speach laws
How about the left ending the filibuster for all legislation in the senate.
How about no more state rights the government tells the states what to do
Tell what you stance will be when over half the country no longer has a voice
Forget it I know what your answer will be and it will not be against the leftist.
Socialism will not be enacted over night. No it will happen a little at a time.

It’s fundamental feature is to use government force in a manner which confiscate the property of individuals rather than to protecting rights associated with property ownership. It’s fundamental feature was eloquently identified as being tyranny by one of our noteworthy forefathers;

“Under a just and equal Government, every individual is entitled to protection in the enjoyment of the whole product of his labor, except such portion of it as is necessary to enable Government to protect the rest; this is given only in consideration of the protection offered. In every bounty, exclusive right, or monopoly, Government violates the stipulation on her part; for, by such a regulation, the product of one man’s labor is transferred to the use and enjoyment of another. The exercise of such a right on the part of Government can be justified on no other principle, than that the whole product of the labor or every individual is the real property of Government, and may be distributed among the several parts of the community by government discretion; such a supposition would directly involve the idea, that every individual in the community is merely a slave and bondsman to Government, who, although he may labor, is not to expect protection in the product of his labor. An authority given to any Government to exercise such a principle, would lead to a complete system of tyranny.”___ See Representative Giles, speaking before Congress February 3rd, 1792


You bet Joe Biden will win. Every rat will find their way to the voting booth to get their piece of “free government cheese”, just as they did in Venezuela, and now suffer the deadly consequences of their actions.

Considering this time around Democrats have a shot at taking the House, Senate and Executive, it is much more imperative to vote for Trump, IMO. Letting the Democrats have all three would be a disaster.

A greatest hits of CEC talking points. Well done!

Propaganda works. Learning what things are and what they mean takes effort. Adhering to principle can be uncomfortable, but it is revealing of what matters most to a person. I’m very confident in my beliefs and certainly in my knowledge. I’ll continue to avoid being red-pilled. :wink:

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