If the polls are right and biden wins big plus the dems take the senate is that a mandate?

They will. In short order they will oust Biden & install Kamala, then they will get rid of the Constitution & impose socialism before the 2 years is up.
It will all be legal, they will vote it all in.

This made me go and vote for Biden again.


Thanks for proving my point.

By this time next year, Darwin willingā€¦ it will be mandated that every sentence ends with ā€œ Komradeā€.

The K is for Kamala.


Not a rejection of conservatism but a rejection of the trump version. Not a rejection of the GOP a rejection of the Trump GOP. THE GOP will rise again


I seriously would like for the GOP to go into the wilderness for a few years and come back as a rational Conservative party.

I seriously believe that this country needs that.


I promise that you and I probably vote against the same candidates, but that statement is a non-plausible reach. Donā€™t volunteer yourself to be bait.

May happen. If you on the left get all you want, you will regret it.

Question for you: Why was the last words of many of those executed under Stalin: ā€œComrade Stalinā€ ?


So you agree with conan?

If that happens it will be for guerilla tactics.

I am looking forward to the FEMA camps again.

What ever happened to those?


Now you are playing along!!!

ā€œDemocratic Socialismā€

Hereā€™s the problem with ā€œmandatesā€ on a national scale: neither side should be passing anything because they have a mandate.

States can operate via mandate, they are designed to. The federal govt should be doing absolutely the minimum itā€™s required to do, and leave the rest to the states.

The problem is thatā€™s not the way the left wants the government to operate, and they view rolling things back to the states as the Right operating by ā€œmandateā€.

To be fair though, there are things the Right has done in the past that I also disagree with as it was thinking it had a mandate for things it shouldnā€™t have done. The marriage protection act, and the patriot act come to mind.

You forget there are dems who were and will be elected to seats in the house and there are dems who were and will be elected to the senate by red state voters.
Do you really think that these red state and district dems are going to be willing to cut their own throats to pass legislation for the leftist?
Remember the left had to bribe red state dems to vote yes on the ACA. Those same dems got their walking papers handed to them in a mid term election tidal wave.

I donā€™t know, I never believed in that. If FEMA camps get set up itā€™s probably for a hurricane.

By the looks of the markets they think it will happen as well. Good times ahead, especially for us who know how to place puts.

I do. Very, VERY few go against House or Senate leadership, and only when thereā€™s no political cost - see Joe Manchin.

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Weā€™re so far past that at this point. And the one thing they can bank on after four years of this ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  insanity is that anything they do will seem statesmanlike like in conduct by contrast.