If it should be free, then

Oh that. It’s utter nonsense, as numerous commenters have pointed out.

Do these straw people exist who believe these services should be completely free and not paid for by taxes?

hard to believe people think receipts c over outlays or ever will.

Pardon ?

receipts are taxes collected, outlays are spending.

the difference is current deficit.

fiscal 101

Agree but what does that have to do with your hypothetical scenario where these people would work for free ?

I do not believe for a minute people would work for free. I just want to highlight the hypocrisy of the intellectual elite that talk about free ■■■■■

the we don’t pay for it comes from the new programs and much of old programs being funded by deficit which means they are not paid for by taxes.

You cannot tax enough to pay for all the free ■■■■■


so many links to make your point but you do not post them so you seem whiney.

Your “intellectual elite” are straw people. No one is suggesting that these services be free and not funded by taxes. Just because we are running a deficit doesn’t change that sentiment.

They are not funded by taxes they are funded by deficits, surely you understand the difference.

A technicality that doesn’t change the sentiment. It’s like claiming groceries are free because you paid for them with a credit card.

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I’m curious, how many of Obama’s golf outings and how many of Obama’s dinners were at golf courses and hotels he owned and from which he profited?

sorry but feelings do not pay for free things and we are well beyond any sense of fiscal sanity.

This post makes no sense. No one is proposing we pay for things with feelings.

Your “intellectual elite” are straw people. No one is suggesting that these services be free and not funded by taxes. Just because we are running a deficit doesn’t change that sentiment.

your words

Yes, those are words I typed. Your point?

What gets funded by tax revenues and what gets funded by deficits is indistinguishable. No one, not even Congress, can say what is funded by taxes and what is funded by borrowing (or printing up funny money.)

Then move to Europe.

Unless you are a teacher or a doctor. :wink: