If a Democrat was president now and was acting like Trump, would R's be trying to impeach him/her?

Thomas Sowell documents he is awoke, something neither you or I have done. Check out his site, its an eye opener:


made up fantasies arent real concerns

That isn’t even remotely true. There is absolutely nothing racist in conservative ideology, in fact racism is directly in conflict with it.

Nixon wasn’t a conservative by any possible stretch of the word, he was one of the most authoritarian progressives to ever hold the office.

Go back and take a look at the policies of his administration sometime. He made Obama’s “Pen and a Phone” actions look tame by comparison.

Black unemployment at the lowest level in recorded history.

Pay for black Americans at it’s highest recorded levels in history.

Who is screwing the black community again?

Everything that could possibly be done to help Puerto Rico was done.

PR’s problems were decades old and the neglected infrastructure and corruption that has been rampant there for years was the cause of the suffering, not any lack of action by this administration.

Every resource the federal gov’t had available from FEMA to the Military was utilized to get relief to the Island as fast as possible and the efforts were maintained as long as necessary for the Island’s government to take over and do their part to carry it forward.

To keep repeating such a hate filled damnable lie is despicable.

FEMA’s job is to provide “Emergency Relief” not to rebuild an entire Island or state.

Unemployment at it’s lowest level in decades.

Median income at it’s highest levels since 2000.

We are as close to full employment as we’ve been since wwii.

Wages continue rising and inflation is all but flat.

What more exactly is it that you want?

Never said Conservatism was a racists ideology, however there are a lot of racists that fall under its umbrella. What’s funny even though I would be considered slightly right of center I prefer some of the pillars under conservatism. However this current brand under this current administration is not even close to it.

45 isn’t’ a conservative either, however he’s getting his marching orders from people who have a warped sense of what it is to be one. 45, his allies and supporters are no where close to being one.

To Obama’s credit he did some good things and some things that made me say WTH. However this president instead of undoing the bad things he undoing all of it at the expense and detriment to the American people. It’s foolish and dangerous.

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Whew, I’m glad you’re not in charge of relief efforts.

Everything that could possibly be done to help Puerto Rico was done.

PR’s problems were decades old and the neglected infrastructure and corruption that has been rampant there for years was the cause of the suffering, not any lack of action by this administration.

Every resource the federal gov’t had available from FEMA to the Military was utilized to get relief to the Island as fast as possible and the efforts were maintained as long as necessary for the Island’s government to take over and do their part to carry it forward.

“Every resource the federal government had available?” Hogwash. As the New York Times story below shows, PR got far less than the level of coverage the states got from Hurricane Katrina relief. And your judgmental observation about what PR deserves is, in a word, b.s.

The official mission statement of FEMA:

The mission of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is to reduce the loss of life and property and protect our institutions from all hazards by leading and supporting the nation in a comprehensive, risk-based emergency management program of mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery.

Note: It does not say they discriminate on the basis of race, creed or color.

Another indication of just how bad the government’s efforts were was the “official” vs. actual death toll: 24 vs. 4,674.

Overstating just a little. (See link at bottom.)

Rising, but you’re not factoring in inflation.

Actually, it was lower in 2000. When Bill Clinton was president.

Yes, to the first, no on the second.

A smarter president.

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Prove obstruction/abuse of power. Hate to inform you, but can’t impeach a President in this country just because you don’t like him.

He explocitly fired Comey because he thought it would stop the Russia investigations. He said in the WH the very next day and said it in national TV that evening to Lester Holt.

Firing someone thinking it will stop an investigation into you is obstruction of justice. That can’t be argued.

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Are you dense or what? He had no way to stop an investigation that had already started and i am pretty sure, from a historical perspective, he already knew that. Now, if he had stepped into office and fired everyone, no investigation would ever have arisen.

I’m not dense. President Trump? He’s pretty damn dumb. Regardless of whether he knew it would work or not, he tried and that’s a hat he thought would happen, accordingcto President Trump.

It doesn’t have to be successful to be obstruction. It’s like Evel Knevel, the attempt is what matters.

By firing Comey? You do know, after the investigation was handed over to an independent council, firing Comey was like closing the barn doors after the livestock had already fled. Your theory falls short.

And again this isn’t remotely true. “A lot of Racists”? Give us a list. You can’t though can you because such a list doesn’t exist, it is a fabrication meant to smear us all.

Are there some racists? Probably but you can find them in every group.

There is however nothing compatible between conservative ideology and racism nor do the two have anything in common.

The “conservatives are racist” smear is old, tired and patently dishonest.

It’s astonishing how his supporters keep saying there’s no there there. I suppose psychologically it makes them feel better, but what you cited is undisputable.

I think a few things Trump did early on were from his total inexperience. He’s got legal minds around him now that he didn’t have before pointing the way for him rather than let him walk blindly. My opinion is that it’s a little too late for that.

Both of your claims are laughable.

Democrats were screaming for Comey’s head before the election and suddenly he’s the fallen hero as soon as Trump fires him.

There was never any possibility his firing was going to stop the investigation and we all know it.

As for your contribution, according to everyone involved Trump is neither the subject nor the target of the investigation so exactly what “there, there” is it you are so sure exists that will finally bring him down?

They only have conspiracy theories, wishful thinking and media disinformation to back them.

They just seem to be clinging to the hope that somehow they’ll be able to impeach him to make up for hillary’s loss.