I Would Like to Take This Time to DEMAND That the CORRUPT MEDIA Stop Protecting kamala harris and Begin Asking Her Tough Questions

So there have been no primaries or caucuses to date and your party has had no choice in the matter up until now?

Or it is all about you while out the other side of your mouth you talk about how you have no affect on anything?

Want if you really wanted Biden and no one else?

Now you have no choice. The choice has been made for you. Those who already chose Biden, their choice has been negated.

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What is hypocritical?

I will support the Democratic nominee.

Up to yesterday it was presumed to be Joe Biden.

He has stepped aside because he is too old.

The delegates are aligning behind Harris… if there are Democrats that do not like the internal party politics of choosing a nominee then they are welcome to sit this election out or vote for whomever they wish.

It is no skin off of my teeth.

This deep concern that Joe Biden is too old AND that he stepped aside because he is too old is quite silly.

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Well then I would be sad. Life is hard.

The choice was already made before the N.Y. primary.

I didn’t get a choice.

Are you mad about it for me?

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Of course you will vote for who they tell you to vote for. It’s always been that way with libs. You could put anyone up as the candidate and y’all fall in line. Lemmings.

I’m more than willing to admit the Rep party has issues because too many people won’t just follow and it ends up screwing us over more times than necessary.

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I will vote for the nominee… or I could vote third party.

I live in NYC… my vote does not matter in federal elections.

Its like Republicans will vote for their nominee… its literally how this works.

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This is really strange.

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I know, suddenly Biden is a liability when last week he was your only hope.

But you will fall in line.


This is strange coming from maga.

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Last week he was our hope.

Now he’s dropped out. It happens. And now his Vice President is our hope.

At this point, Donald Trump is your only hope. :joy:

The guy who lost and had a meltdown last time.

Good Luck!

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But yet YOU voted for him in last primary couple months ago.

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Didn’t even bother.

There weren’t any local elections so what’s the point?

Wait…I thought “It’s possible to not like everything about your party’s candidate and still vote for them.”?

If that’s true, that doesn’t make everyone who votes for their nominee MAGA. As has been pointed out here repeatedly by Biden supporters, you vote for the nominee no matter what, right?

Those votes and support don’t matter.

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Once the needed delegates for the nomination are secured they literally don’t.

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It’s a primary. They kind of don’t anyway.

My primary isn’t even till middle of next month.

Btw, a vote for Biden in a primary was/is also a vote for Kamala.

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Awwwww, look at how y’all think Kamala is the bee’s knees all of a sudden.

I always did :+1:

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So you admit that you are a party over country voter. They could put anyone on the ticket and as long as they have a D after their name you just mindlessly vote for them. You don’t care that the rich democrats have been choosing who you vote for because they believe you are stupid and won’t vote for the right person who will line their pockets.

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I think that Donald J Trump and his politics are an existential threat to the country and I will support any candidate that has a good chance of keeping him out of power.

So I am a Country over UnAmerican Scum kind of guy.