I Would Like to Take This Time to DEMAND That the CORRUPT MEDIA Stop Protecting kamala harris and Begin Asking Her Tough Questions

Yea and know she will have to talk to more people on more subjects then just a few women about abortion.

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Well, there’s your problem - you believe what Trump and his execrable offspring say. “Rebuilt the NYC skyline”? Trump has actually built only a couple of buildings in NYC, and among them, Trump Tower at 58 stories hardly reaches the skyline. And he owns few if any of the other buildings with his name on them.

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So just pointing out that she has been the new presumptive/assumptive…whatever, nominee for a full day, and not a single question from a reporter.

Voting begins in about 60 days, and the election is 105 days away.

Can’t even talk to a major party candidtae.


They are busy building the narrative, puffing her up, sending out the gaslighting talking heads etc.

Well, I guess you’ll have to vote for someone else.


Harris has already got the nomination in the bag.

There are 180 million reasons for that, mainly the cash on hand that was formerly the Biden reelection campaign. Now it belongs to Harris.

You nominate anyone else, and that cash basically goes to the sidelines. And the next candidate has to start over.

Are you willing to risk losing an election like that?

Talking to yourself?

Dems are the one who can’t vote for the democratically chosen candidate and must now vote for the one chosen by the elites and mega donors who pushed out your guy.


It’s the Vice President.

It’s not like she is coming out of nowhere.

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It’s a primary.

Nothing gets set in stone until the convention.

Our primary isn’t even until the middle of next month.

If you don’t like hod the Dems are choosing their nominee I guess you’ll have to vote elsewhere.b


And the glow up begins. Maybe she can bedazzle her Venn diagram sheets she hands out during meetings.

You aren’t choosing your nominee. Someone else is. I can’t help it none of you can see it.


I don’t understand what that means.

I find these complaints very strange.

On one hand Biden is mentally incapable of being the President so when he steps aside and puts his weight behind the Vice President that is anti Democratic.

It’s a no win situation you are proposing.


Yeah, it’s primary/caucus season. This is how it rolls.

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That’s the case anyway.

Since the primary hasn’t even happened yet and Biden until yesterday was the presumptive nominee… there wasn’t a choice made to begin with.

Everyone that voted for Biden also voted for Harris.


I’m not proposing anything. That is the ■■■■ show y’all are stuck with and it’s been fun and enlightening watching how ya’ll are tripping over your own feet to make it appear a major success,

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This is why I take nothing you say seriously.

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Which is the thing we should be mad about?

That Biden is mentally incapable of doing four more years or that he stepped aside and threw his support to Harris?

Which thing should I be mad about?

Because it can’t be both.

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Gaslighting and hypocritical stances are all y’all have now. It’s going to be a fun few months.

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The primary in Wisconsin is next month.

It hasn’t happened yet.

By the time the primary was in NY, Biden was already the presumptive nominee because he had won the delegates needed already.

So where is my choice being thwarted?