You don’t have to justify your continued support of Limp Ted to me, I understand fully why you do. And I’m sure he appreciates the job security.
I told you I was voting against entitled corrupt Beto.
I used to vote republican, then I took a. Arrow to the knee
He got arrested twice while young? Once for jumping over a campus fence? I see why you align yourself with impotent, useless Republicans who just can’t finish what they start. Wait. They can’t even start.
I’m looking forward to voting for Beto.
Their medication though is covered under health care plan
Couch your vote for Limp Ted, and every other impotent Republican you will support, in any terminology that helps you sleep at night.
You could have just said “I will not happily vote for impotent Republicans” and saved yourself a lot of useless tail-chasing.
I heard some nasty rumors about Cruz not being a natural born citizen and that his father had some sort of involvement with the JFK assassination. Where was it I hear that - I can’t seem to remember…
Lucy, certainly by the same logic you stand with Brett.
Dis beto’s dad get him off?
Dunno for sure, but I have to imagine the guy who started that rumor is firm in his resolve, swollen in his righteousness, and stiff in his upper lip.
just wanted to see if dems would would excuse it because of his age.
rampant hypocrisy and they did. point made
Brett is just another impotent Republican. Like you!
Don’t care or know about Beto. I can’t vote for him or Limpy.
I was saying my doctor was from Cuba, Cruz was born in Canada
the alternative is much worse
good move
I’m from GA, so lyin’ Ted isn’t on my ballot.
I set a trap, you ran in, head first. Hypocrisy on display. Too easy
He’s on mine. I live in Blake Farethold’s old district…
Truly you have done well here.
Lol sad.
10 kavs
How’s that harrasment money refund coming along?