I was on my way to work tonight

I’m glad to hear that you smile about something.


I had a co-worker who left little trump flags in unleft piles of dog poop left along her walking route.


Were they the Russian version?

Front of another coin

Back of that coin. ThThis one I left a bunch around liberal salt lake city.


Amazing. I wish I could get one of those.


I didn’t realize there were multiple versions. Pretty amazing.

Have a PO box or another anonymous way of getting them to you :smiley:

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Naw, that’s okay. I appreciate the offer though. :sweat_smile:


I’m curious what ‘expensive’ means here regarding those coins.

Wouldnt have “triggered” me…I’d be sociable. But inside, I’d be thinking, what a tool…lol.

I like how ironically the whole point of the OP post is to stereotype others as being triggered


You need a 3d printer to make them. Those are still ridiculously expensive. They’re most likely going to be the future, but right now they’re fun toys for people with extra money.

Best one (I can’t post a pic without sanctioning myself) is a 3 inch tall 3D print of Donald Trump with giving a 1 finger salute.

I’ve had 8 or 9 people that wanted me to print that one for them.

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Expensive means . . .

At minimum $500 for the printer.
Anywhere from $25 to $50 for a roll of the plastic fillament
Power to run the printer and computer.

3d printer technology is really interesting. I appreciate people like you who adopt it when it’s early. It helps make further innovations on the technology feasible.

I’m a lib. I wouldn’t really care. I’ve seen plenty of people around here with a gun. The big knife doesn’t add anything for me.

I know this is slightly off-topic, but there are some chefs who are using 3d printing technology to make food. Super interesting.

What kind of food? I’m interested.

Give it another 10 years, and you’ll be living in a 3D printed house.

This is a video show how they print it and what it looks like inside

I’ve never had any. I can’t say if it’s good. I just like the idea.

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