I was for Joe Biden until I was against him

Seems this is the new view that Libs and their elitist masters are now beginning to publicly declare . Apparently Joe’s affliction with sudden onset dementia, which struck him as he was walking out on debate night has Democrats in a state of stupidity induced shock.

Living in denial for 3 1/2 years has so diminished their capacity to see the truth, that the brutal smack in the face reality of Joe’s obvious dementia on debate night has now compelled them to reveal who they really are: Power craving lunatics who care nothing about America and the citizens they took an oath to serve. While I feel no sympathy for the demented, treasonous, criminal Joe Biden, I can’t help but wonder why “compassionate” Libs are still more concerned about Joe’s ability to win an election than his health and well being. Pinocchio Joe is no longer any use to his puppeteers, so it’s time to toss ole Joe under the bus. The same Lib elites, who were supporting and praising the geriatric genius for his leadership right up until the debate, are now calling for him to step down right after the debate; But the deluded mental case, propped up by years of false worship refuses! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

You wanted the dip ■■■■■ you got him, but take heart Libs, you have the ever more qualified and capable Laffin’ Kamala to step up and fill Joe’s clown shoes should he be forced to abdicate the throne you put him on! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Enjoy the next 4 months…


It was never about Joe’s health.

It was never about America taking a nap.

It was never about saving anything.

It was about some stuck up snobs pretending like they’ve ever been any better than the Orange Guy they were programmed to hate.


Did you ■■■■ Joe Biden’s pants?


Maybe it’s a feature not a bug.
Maybe they like candidates with mental health conditions.

Hmm, ever think about that? (wink)

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Well, it’s out of my hands. I’m just along for the ride.


exactly. the actual candidate never mattered.


Perhaps before the gaslighting started it would have been a good idea to plan on plan b if the truth leaked at the wrong time. After all the delegates have been selected is pretty much at the wrong time, though I guess late October would have been worse.
If Biden, or rather Jill, doesn’t drop out, the alternative might be to change the rules at the convention and unbind the delegates. Not a good look for a party talking about “our democracy” and complaining about “fake electors” that had not been voted in.


The harsh reality is that the dimocrats NEEDED joe biden in 2020. They freaked the ■■■■ out and decided he was the face of “beating trump”. (At any cost)

Now they believe they don’t NEED him any longer and can move on without him.

One problem, he decided not to play along with them.


of one that went on about “transparency”

just more words from liars for the stupid


Joe Biden has proved that democrats don’t care what’s best for the country, only what’s best for them.


I don’t think anyone thinks ditching the incumbent president is an easy path to move on. That’s why there’s so much uncertainty.

How so?

Most dems think what is best for the country is to not have Trump in the WH.

:thinking: :laughing: :sweat_smile: :rofl: :joy: :upside_down_face:


And most republicans think what is best for the country is to have trump win. What’s so strange about this?

Your vote for a man with dementia…that was obvious in 2020…PROVE…libs don’t think. They feel and lead their lives that way…and yes…I find that strange. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:


If that truly was the case, then they would have prepared for it. Am I the only person that thought Joe wouldn’t run for a 2nd term? They had four years to prepare for this. They knew he had issues when he ran the first time. All they had to do is say he wasn’t going to seek reelection due to health concerns. What’s best for the country is to not have a mentally disabled man as President. Their opinion of another President doesn’t Trump that. So yeah, they don’t care what’s best for the country, and either did Hillary for that matter. She basically told everyone.


The only “uncertainty” is the dimocrats trying to figure out how to escape the trap of their own design.

They waited too long to make their move, and treachery is the only option left.


They conspired to hide joes condition in hopes of winning another election regardless of the detrimental impact it could have on the country.


Given the chioce between a self absorbed buffoon or an addled imbecile running the show, it’s pretty clear the republicans are right in this regard.


Treachery has always been the only option.
