I was about to say the Georgia election was Legit

Not a cult

It’s rich that trump and his goons can call someone a rino. Trump is only a conservative as self promotion and political gains. Nothing more. He has zero conviction when it comes to true conservative values.

Trump did set records in jersey.

However biden did way better than him and set an even higher bar.

Record turnout in jersey.

A lot of votes for POTUS.

Even more for the challenger.


Thanks Captain obvious. Is this supposed to mean something?

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There is a whole genre of content like this. I love it.

You are fiesty today!

And yes its suppose to mean Trumpers have lost their minds…well what little they had left anyways

Have they called it for ossoff yet??

What’s the ■■■■■■■ holdup??

Let 'em have it.

Let 'em have it all.

Okay, I’m back to regular me now.

They just called it for ossoff and wouldn’tcha know…he “won” by enough votes to not trigger a recount.


Now back to our regularly scheduled program.

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Why would you have a problem with a real Conservative Republican telling the truth?

If you know anything about elections in Georgia.

The cities get counted last.

We can recount until the cows come home and it would change the results.

Trumps parting gift to Mitch was to lose the senate.
