I want to know what Biden plans are defending our country if he loses in Nov

Yes. Leftists did it after 2016 also.

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:rofl: Come on man!


They didn’t get away with it. That’s why they got those prison sentences. The Machine won’t tolerate back talk.

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Ummm, he’s not president yet.

Well done

youre just confident cnn/msnbctard wont dwell on it when there is.

that stands to reason

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If they J6 like the delusional Trump supporters did… you can bet major networks will carry it. Don’t worry though, your favorite news source will definitely carry it.

J6 lasted about 5 hours? 6 hours? Compared to the hundreds upon hundreds of hours of looting, protesting, burning, killing, billions of damage leftist Liberals have inflicted on the US starting when Trump was elected president. :rofl: :rofl: :joy: :joy: :joy:

I’d be ashamed to mention J6.


how about if they block ambulances with “not my pres” sharpied on their forehead (again)?

or not worth covering ? free speech etc huh?

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Sorry…but they can have tent city set up in hours with hundreds if not thousands of left-wingers protesting by sunset at moment notice.


It worth covering Trump Supporters delusions. “Not my Pres” is just standard issue for them. I fully expect J6 part two if Trump loses. They won’t be able to handle the fact that the deep state got them again… 4 years later


Was that the Maga crowd that recently destroyed 15 police cruisers in Portland?



Who are “they?”

your buddies…


My buddies? Which ones?

Soros and the rich liberal donors. They are the ones supporting all of these crimes.

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And they’re well organized…

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What are “these crimes?”

this occurred after he won in 2016.

guess you dont remember. but then you prob never saw