I want to know what Biden plans are defending our country if he loses in Nov

What are Trumps plans to stop his supporters violently protesting?

Organized hat wearing.


This total disconnect from reality is fascinating.


He’ll douse the effort with gasoline.

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Oh there will! It has to be bigger than J6. Whenever one party gets away with something awful, the other party just has to do it even worse. That’s where our politics are right now.


They have pretty poor organization skills.

It’s one thing right has surpassed the left at. The left has a very mob mentality now.

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Biden will take full advantage of Presidential Immunity, so he will not lose and there will be no violence :wink:

If need be, there will be alternate electors in all 50 states, Kamala will have courage and will be strong.

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That is correct.

It was because a career criminal got shot

Extremely valid concern since they’re doing it now to President Trump and his supporters. It’s in our face blatant intimidation and persecution. There is no projecting what they will do, it’s in process right now!

A vote for a Democrat is a death knell for the country.


he will ask them to peacefully make their voices heard

like he always does. why do you keep ignoring that?


he’ll call trump “illegitimate” on every talk show he can slum to

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One can only hope.


how about blocking ambulances (traffic)?

the left and democrats depend on this i know.

they may even give him a hug too

Doing what exactly?

They’re too invested in the lie of J6. It’s clear that Dem supporters such as OWS, Antifa, BLM and now the idiot Palestinian/Gaza/Hamas supporters can violently protest with impunity, but Republican supporters cannot peacefully protest without getting arrested, no catch and release for them.

The death knell bells toll for the country. :cry: :pray:



Which “people” are concerned? Did they nominate you to speak for them?

Yep. Specifically you, I think - that’s probably them at your door right now.

Summer of love was most certainly about the election loss. Ever wonder why it all stopped after biden got elected?

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It stopped well before Biden was elected :rofl:

Sorry your wrong.

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