I’ve Had It With PC 💩

I typically avoid pronouns when talking with someone in person or charting, but occasionally there’s no way around it. I’ve encountered a few individuals where initially I did not use their preferred pronoun. I have yet to have someone get upset or angry, however. I was corrected, I acknowledged their preference and we moved on. I have no doubt that some probably have gotten upset and even angry. However, those few examples are amplified and passed around on the internet and social media. This leads people to think all those with preferred pronouns are unhinged.

I think we’ve probably all been in a situation where we mistook a “he” for a “she” or vice versa and addressed them in a way they didn’t prefer. When corrected, you acknowledge them, correct yourself, apologize if appropriate, and move on. I haven’t had any of those instances lead to an irate individual either. If the approach instead is to confront them or challenge them on their gender identity or preferred pronouns, the interaction probably won’t be as nice. I don’t know why someone would want to do that to begin with.

For the left, traits and beliefs are accomplishments.

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Oh ho, wow! Whoop-de-do for them growing their body by eating food like the rest of us. :rofl:

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We send our two girls to private school. So far they haven’t dove into the PC world, if so we would take them out immediately. I must admit I am not into the PTA thing as much as my wife as my schedule makes it difficult but from what I understand the majority of parents feel the same way. It seems overall in out case at least it makes a difference when you are paying for their salaries voluntarily instead of them collecting from ones property tax nonvoluntarily.

Our neighbors home school three children and the mother doing it is a dentist who cut her hours in half to teach her children. The solution would be to abolish the department of education which use to be a republican goal before no child left behind came around and doubled the size of the department of education. It would also be nice if property taxes were not being used to pay teachers as well as removing tenure which was supposed to be for college teachers not k-12.

They let them get to much power.

That would imply the majority of funny comedy is politically incorrect.

Nah. Pure lunacy is when you write your name in your email signature using a cursive font.

There are queer rednecks, and if there can be queer rednecks then there can be queer-accepting rednecks.

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It’s a shame we haven’t figured out a way to simulate what gender dysphoria feels like so that those who don’t suffer from it could get an idea of what those who do suffer from it experience.

Dehumanizing those you don’t agree with can be dangerous.

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It is also making new material tepid and unenjoyable.

Clearly this is not a gold or silver era of new comics.

The jets did win yesterday, so there is that.


The part about those supposedly being “helped” not wanting to be bothered with this nonsense applies here.

There have been gay instructors at that school—for example male teachers mentioning husbands—and they’re defending not the ones demanding the students accede to their choices and asking about “preferred gender pronouns” when the class starts.

It’s coming from liberal administration commuting from other towns.

A lecture shouldn’t be necessary.

Don’t assume ill intent.

Pep rallies are nonsense too.

The higher achieving students where I went to school hid out & did their calculus homework when the rest of us were stuck at this ridiculous activity

Right. I don’t think we need a lecture on the subject or someone bitching about it.

I’ll call people whatever pronouns they want to be called…I don’t care, really.

But if I am going to be lectured at or bitched at because I didn’t know and now they feel I need to be “enlightened”, I will let them have it.


It is absurd.

I actually have to sit through this nonsense, but hey, it really is quite helpful to know if I’m in a sketchy area & two men are whispering to one another and cash is involved it may just be about picking up the dry cleaning :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Here’s “birthing persons”:

Inclusive language important to show respect for all people – The Daily Evergreen.

If anything it’s less inclusive than mother, as it automatically implies giving birth. And to think some of these nut jobs were probably in the same group who took offense in 2016 to Al Trautwig commenting that the individuals in the stands weren’t Simone Biles’ parents.

They weren’t—one was her grandfather and IIRC his wife isn’t biologically related to her at all. They raised her, but because her parents had problems with substance abuse.

I’m tired of reality challenged idiots getting pissed when it’s pointed out.

very absurd!

sorry you have to put up with this babified nonsense

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I genuinely believe in “to each their own” and accept whatever that doesn’t harm others. It’s the whole “look at me, I’m special” thing that is annoying about some with alternative lifestyles. Just do it and leave it at that.

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I’d like to see these administrators who are commuting from outside our town try bringing that “Respect Others’ Pronouns” nonsense to the Muslim world—particularly to an Arabic speaking majority country :smiling_imp:

The entire Arabic language separates into masculine and feminine. For example, “I’m hungry” is said the same way by a male or female English speaker.

In Algeria, a country I’ve visited thrice, a man would say “Jian”, a woman “Jianna” to indicate hunger. There is no gender neutral in those societies.

Those who are other than heterosexual keep that to themselves. Those administrators would be running to make it to the first flight back home.

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