I think the ex-KGB guy has already won

What do you mean about “sat on it”?

You sure do stick up for him a lot.

So none of the information in these emails reflected poorly on Clinton, in your opinion?


An awful lot of defending Russia in the thread based on the premise that there is not yet evidence that their actions influenced the outcome of the election.

Maybe they do suck at this type of influence, maybe they don’t.

At what point are you willing to stand up to it? Only after it is proven to you to be effective?

Was it legal for Russia or any Counties company’s to purchase Ads on FB before the election?
Is FB a global company?

Here this will help you:

So explain to me where it is against the law for Russia to have FB ads?

You didn’t ask that. You asked ME if it changed MY OPINION
Stop twisting words on your own questions.

Meanwhile he would have sold out to China.

Oh wait…Obama and Clinton’s already did.

here’s who some Americans are siding with/running cover for…

“Putin was a KGB foreign intelligence officer for 16 years, rising to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel in the USSR Intelligence Agency.”

we probably shouldn’t ever let these Americans forget that they sided with a 65yo old Communist dude.

No, you asked me if it changed your opinion.

Which now that I think about it is a really weird thing to ask.

They released damaging information on the Clinton campaign. That speaks for itself.

We are talking about Facebook ADS having Influence.
I don’t see the influence of Ads being any different than Hillary, DNC , RNC, or Trump Ads.
Many of you are saying it is against the law for Russia to create ads and sell to FB i don’t see that.

So since we can not quantify the actual influence the ads had for or against Trump and which were Russian and which were not. It is a wash to try to claim they had major Impact in the election.
Don’t forget you all keep telling us Trump lost popular vote so I guess those ads were not that big of an influence.


Did you view the information in the emails improve your opinion of Clinton?

I answered the question saying It didn’t improve my opinion nor did it lessen my opinion.

Go read the NY TIMES they had a whole Article on it.

This really shouldn’t take much to explain.

What do you suggest Obama should have done?

Good for you.

This isn’t about you.

Says the offspring of one of Nikita Khrushchev special agents.

Yes, I know you would like it to be only about Facebook ads. We all know it is more than that. It is the totality of their efforts to affect our elections, including Facebook ads and hacking the DNC and the deliberate timing of the release of hacked emails and the direct approach of the President’s son, President’s son-in-law, and the President’s campaign manager with offers of help and a statement that it was the policy of the Russian Government to help then-candidate Trump get elected.

Keep it all about Facebook ads if you can. It’s a somewhat defensible ground. You can bleat repeatedly about not being able to prove the efficacy of Facebook ads, but each bleat is a knowing defense of the interests of the Federation of Russia.

It is the totality of the efforts, though, that indicate Russian intent. You have made your choice in these matters clear.

She won the popular vote.

What Russia did with great success and is continuing to do with help from the inside, is to exploit the natural disposition of the far left and the far rights distrust of government and its institutions. It has worked to enflame those feelings and expand them in an organic way.

They are less interested in who is in power and more interested in disrupting American’s faith in our norms. They are doing this around the world and have won some key changes that have lead to a real weakening of our trans-Atlantic alliance. You saw it in Britain, France, the US and most recently Italy.

I don’t need a Russian to tell me the Centgov is twisted.

Exactly! 10 char