I think it's time for a real national discussion on the legalization of weed

The MORE Act introduced on 07/23/2019 by Kamala Harris?


Looks like it.

Is that why she laughs about how many black people she got locked up over cannabis? :thinking:

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Me neither.

It only took them 60 years, but the U.N. figured out that cannabis isn’t the same as heroin.


I believe the House was talking about it today.

Along with private ownership of tigers or something.

Business of the people, dontchaknow.

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I’ll drink a beer with you on that!

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I might hold a minority opinion here but I feel the marijuana legalization is one of the better examples of why states rights are important and in the case of marijuana on how they supposed to work.

Instead of the federal government stepping in they are letting the states handle it and they will all eventually legalize it.

Each election another one or two states either decriminalizes it or makes it legal and gets added to the list. And this is the beauty of our system working as intended. The states get to see how it is working in other states and will decide by the success/failure of others and all will eventually come around because of the revenue.

State rights working as intended

The problem is that it’s still illegal federally no matter what the states do.

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Yes that will change as more states legalize it and from what I have read the federal government hasn’t been prosecuting people unless it involved guns and or cartels.

I could be wrong but I think the writing is on the wall with this one and as more states legalize it the federal government will get out of the way. I don’t like marijuana myself but I could care less if someone does, although I don’t particularly like being around the smell.

I tried it a few times back in the day and I personally didn’t like it, I felt it was to overwhelming (Got Paranoid) lol. If I had to take a Valium for anxiety I could still carry on with a conversation and work, on marijuana I wanted to hide in the house and close the blinds.

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Senate full of fuddy Duddy republicans.

Not a chance it passes the senate.


Medicare, anyone?

What? No coffee?

from the title of this thread i’ll assume its time for a national discussion on what a federal issue is.

hint: this ain’t one

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A heap of crap if ever there was one.

No out of pocket max, gee, that’s gonna work for someyon a fixed income :frowning:

Right now I have a school friend who was a stay at home wife whose husband died suddenly, canceling her private insurance. She ended up on the Unaffordable Care Act, getting diagnosed with kidney disease at a late stage.

Most billing records with dialysis patients show Medicare/Medicaid coverage. However, as indicated by costs of Part A, “Kay” would have to pay for this coverage as someone who didn’t work for at least 10 years.

:thinking:. Someone disabled & a widow pays for something retired Medicare recipients get without cost, um, yeah, that makes sense. This leaves the piece de resistance, :drum: roll:


A decreasing number of physicians is even accepting it. As I said, anything originated by the U S Federal Government tends to turn into a heap of crap. And it isn’t even good crap.

Medicare has higher approval/satisfaction vs private health insurance providers.

Of course HLC will criticize Medicare, they want to privatize it.

Until there is a federal repeal on having weed a schedule 1 narcotic, AND a repeal on the national ban of banks processing transactions involving weed -It is a federal issue.


Private health insurance pays substantially more, and providers are more satisfied with Medicare?

Gee, that’s one strange leap of logic.

House passed their bill today?

Not legalizing it. Only decriminalizing it.
Mitch already said its dead in senate.

Honestly -Since its not being enforced on the state level -Im more interested in removing the banking restrictions around pot. That is a bigger road block.