I think I might be a liberal

Scalia was as wrong as two Sp/4s in the wood line with a chaplain’s assistant.

He screwed up Heller too. Not a fan.

Well, those folks in the robes rule what is law and what is not.


Also, if you are going to use new words, better to spell them correctly.

Actually it isn’t law, it’s an opinion on the law. And meaningless unless it is enforced, which they do not do.

I did spell it correctly. Also, if you are going to attempt to correct people, better to know what you’re talking about.

It’s not new to me.

No and no.

Wrong. The left does not get to determine what is a lie. Sorry, but no. Why the hell would anyone trust them with that power? All we asked was for a two week review of the elections to investigate irregularities. I believe that the resistance to this is treason.

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That’s your bias messing with you.

You’re wrong. They are the only ones who can. Nobody else is worthy.


I usually do not like being called wrong. But yes. Obviously the oracles of wisdom on the left are the only one’s who can decide. We should all bow in reverence.


You should embrace it. It’s how we learn.

No its not. The people responsible for birthing the “modern liberalism” ideology are mostly dead and not active in politics anymore.

And its not hypocritical because the mainstream left in the US has held for a long time the belief that businesses for the most part are free to operate as they want as long as they follow certain regulations regarding safety, the environment, worker’s rights, and consumer’s rights.

On the flip side a large part of the reason the left is saying “businesses can do what they want” is to point out the right’s hypocrisy as they do have a long history of being all about the free hand of the market and private businesses should be able to do whatever they want. It’s pretty damn hypocritical to be against the fairness doctrine but then claim Twitter should be forced to platform everyone who isn’t breaking US law.

Yeah, it is.

Like who?

As long as… and that’s not the case anymore is it? You’ve (c) added a requirement category.

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No, its not.


It’s still the case.

I understand.

No, it isn’t. And you know it. You are superior.

Well since you think you know me better than I know myself, how is it not still the case?