Modern liberals believe you have a right to practice your religion/faith and don’t believe people should worship the government… so clearly you don’t understand modern liberals.
I think the point is, or should be, that the term “leftist” should be used to replace the term “liberal”, which is no longer descriptive of those on the left.
That conservative president JFK, who once gave a speech in front of the UN where he called for the eventual dissolution of national militaries and the world to be policed by the UN. You guys like that right?
No. You are confused. Contesting the results of an election is not treason. It’s constitutionally protected free speech. Your assessment is false on it’s face.
Sorry for your luck.
Now calm your ass down. I didn’t intent this simple thread to get anyone all riled up.
There are a few issues with that. First off, liberal in modern parlance refers to modern liberalism (also known in some countries as social liberalism). I know many on these forums and perhaps on the greater right in general are trying to reclaim “liberal” to refer to exclusively classical liberalism, but the general public when it hears “liberal” is going to think of the left. I’m sure there are some differences, but in general I think what’s consider classical liberalism is now a days for synonymous with libertarianism.
The attempts to rename modern liberals as “libs” is just laughable. While sometimes slurs have been reclaimed by those targeted by them, in general groups don’t tend to let their enemies rename them.
The other issue is that the right has a bad tendency to try to group all of the left into one name… but if you actually talk to people on the left, especially the far left you’ll find that they consider liberals and leftists to be two different segments. They consider modern liberalism to be left of center, but not by much where as leftists are farther left and are the ones who would consider themselves socialists and/or communists. And in reality its even more nuanced then that depending on various opinions on how things should be structured, foreign policy, etc.
Long story short, you can’t really declare that a group who have commonly be known as one thing suddenly start being known as something else because you want to use that term instead… especially when they are your ideological enemy.
The attempts on these forums to act like its already accepted fact that liberals are classical liberals and modern liberals are “libs” or “progs” is just silly. I might take it more seriously if folks were honest about it instead of acting like their words and definitions are what you’ll find in most political science texts.