I Think I Figured Out What Equity Really is

It’s not legal.

It’s just a fine and a civil infraction.

And I guarantee you the people doing their business on public streets/in front of businesses etc are NOT thinking of the consequences when they are doing it.

If your city is suffering a rash of this problem, it is NOT because of the severity of the penalty attached.

Same deal, less punishment, more frequent occurrence.

It’s not “for no reason”

Rub their nose in it.

I saw an old woman taking a dump on the sidewalk after aMemorial Day parade. Lots of people wanted her in jail.

What’s the penalty? Jail time?

Which is stupid.

“There’s an increase in ‘bad behavior’. Let’s not find out the root causes or anything. Obviously the solution is more and more punishment”.



Does punishing peeing outside, with jail time, stop peeing outside?

Rub their nose in it.

Does ignoring it?

It made me sad, pretty sure what she needed was mental help.

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What’s the “root cause”?

Nope but seems like a problem that can be solved without putting people in jail.

Well I can speak from direct experience. A railroad cop busted me for peeing near the tracks when I was a kid. I never did it again.

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I don’t know. I don’t live in Kalamazoo.

The Hysteria certainly helped it along.

In Los Angeles they found that closing public restrooms at 7/8pm caused an increase in ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ on the ground. Turns out… homeless need to use the restroom after 8pm.

I’ve also seen this effect on non-homeless. Walking West Hollywood after 2am and you see well dressed people peeing outside.

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Right. Rub their nose in it.

This kind of thing is common in some parts of the world.

Sure but if you leave them open they end up being drug shooting galleries and/or hotel rooms.


Why did they close them?