I see the end of our country, the dying of the light

yes, about 5 gens or so,

mouse over my avatar, that’s my name :slight_smile:

I have given you meat to eat in due season,
eat and see, Ask and it will be given, Seek and you will find, Knock and he will open up unto you.
My Father loves you, so much he let his only begotten to be torn to shreds so that you may live, not so much in this life, but for the one that coming, His will is that all would turn unto him and he weeps knowing that not all will.
I pray and my only hopes are this finds a heart to dwell in so my father can water it and make it grow.
I don’t want your wife’s, husbands, children nor your money, I would’ve became a priest or a preacher if I wanted that kind of stuff, I want the truth of his words spoken in every ear so no man will be able to say, I never knew that, I am a cloak remover when it comes to his words, because none can ever say to him, I never knew that, YLBD
have you ever read of the little books that will be opened and some people will be judged from what’s written in them and then the book of life is opened to see if their names be in it?
ALL this is in it, so be careful, God wont be mocked

It actually does.

What parts of the Republican party agenda are specifically God-approved, and where are the statements of His approval to be found in the Word?

If you actually open your Bible and read the Gospels, you will find that the core principles of Jesus’ ministry are better put forth by the Democratic Party. There are legitimate disagreements to be had about how to carry them out, but the values of acceptance of people as the are, communal responsibility for the care of the sick and hungry, calling out the overriding love of money - it’s a clear-cut diffence of philosophy with the Republicans.

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There are so many gods out there. I’m watching American Gods on STARZ, is it on of those gods.

Do you think the shroud of Turin is authentic. Hint, it’s not.

As likely an interpretation is that God sent Trump to test us, not save us.

not really, if im talking about a time period like that, do you really need to know how many generations, or just the fact that my grandpa back then did what he did, yeah, prolly should’ve just said grandpa instead of 2x gen, or put a real thought about how many back it was,lol laziness I guess

And American Evangelicals failed.

The test is ongoing. We haven’t even heard, let alone seen the frogs yet.

I think that’s the wrong biblical example but I hope my point is made, whatever it is.

Is OP suggesting that America is not able to survive Trump ?

I remember the day that the Berlin Wall came down in 1989, And how exciting it was for me.
For the past 15 years(1974) I had been telling people that Europe was going to unite and become a global power from which the Beast spoken of would rise.
The Book of Daniel revealed all that was to come to a little boy, and I’ve watched it all unfold before my very eyes since then, God is Great!
The Point being, God used Ron Reagan to get that done and he uses other ones to fulfill his will, that’s my point, and its a true one, I always tell the truth when it comes to Father and his word’s

I know, I like the picture though

OK. So whats the solution?

Love Father with all your, heat mind n soul and love your neighbor, My Brother told everyone that does those 2 things have fulfilled all that is asked of them, even of the prophets, I guess that’s our only solution.
Matt 22
[36 ]Master, which is the great commandment in the law?

[37 ]Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.

[38 ]This is the first and great commandment.

[ 39] And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

[40 ]On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

So actual god given prediction that teump will win a secomd term…

Just want to be sure so that you cant claim you predicted it or deny you were wrong…

So right now we have the actual refusal to make the prediction…

were you 12 or 15?

Right… so be cool to each other…

Except dems… who are devils…

Whenever you start making appeals to god you’re on weak ground. You could say as long as the Romans stayed try to their gods they had the fantastic empire. When they abandoned the old gods for the single god, the empire collapsed and Europe entered 500 years of darkness.