I probably won't ever buy an Electric Vehicle if Gas Vehicles are Outlawed in My State

I didn’t buy a new $50,000 tv which would have required me to take out a second mortgage to do so. because the benefit to me was easy to be seen…. And affordable. A tv is just a little cheaper than a car in case you forgot.


That’s my thought as well, and for that reason, I don’t get too concerned over threads like this.

What’s wrong with just wanting one vehicle that can handle all of my wants, like the one I have now?


Nothing man. Do what you gotta do, live your life. As @Safiel said earlier, if you are of a certain age, this won’t ever even be a problem for you.

For construction work, I think they actually make sense. Our trucks live at our office/showroom. Commute to the job site. maybe a run to the lumber yard. Drive it back to the office and plug it in.

We just can’t find an electric work van in our budget yet.

But it’s coming.

this is the board that endorsed hoarding light bulbs.


You can get an EV for under 30K.

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Yes, a base model when my vehicle is almost completely paid off. Sure, encourage people to take on more debt.

Which I did because the CFLs absolutely sucked. They gave me headaches - I could see the pulses - and they banned incandescents without having a true viable alternative in place. Which is exactly where we’re headed with EVs.

Yeah, that’s me too.

My car is my work vehicle and our vacation/weekend trip mobile.

Until they can go 400-500 miles without a charge, it’s a no-go for me.

My wife’s car, maybe, but her ICE is low milage, late year and will easily last us another 10 years.

I might be ready in a few years, and am thinking about the new Outback hybrid, but wild want to test drive it first. It’s also gonna be pricey, so we’ll see.

Simply pointing out you don’t have to spend 50K.

Took my first long drive in a Tesla the other day. They are really nice cars.

Maybe it’s just the area, but there were months here in NJ when you could buy incandescent, CFL or LED all at the same time.

They are. A buddy of mine has one. It works for him. But he doesn’t own a hundred acres of woodlands / hunting land that requires a 4 wheel drive vehicle to get to, nor does he have to tow or haul equipment up there regularly.

Not here. They had signs in the stores that incandescents were no longer going to be stocked, so I bought a bunch. I tried the CFLs and said hell no.

CFLs are terrible, that’s true.

But I have a few that I tried in the house and hated, put in the garage. Darn things are still going years later. But I don’t like the light.

And I get mocked for hoarding bulbs that worked for me.

How much do you think an F150 costs?

Not good enough for me especially when it doesn’t do everything my gas vehicle does.

Actually i never buy new gas powered cars either. I buy low milage used cars for a fraction of what these EV’s cost and have great luck with them.

I am on full sized Buick number 3 at the moment. The 1st 2 were well over 200,000 miles when i sold them.

Bought number 3 with only 37,000 miles for 11,000.

As i said “under 30,000” doesn’t cut it.

I wasn’t speaking to the cost, which will come down (and why would you take out second mortgage instead of getting a car loan?).

I was speaking towards this comment: “I almost bought one, but If I’m told it’s not allowed, I probably won’t comply.” where you refuse to get the new tech because you aren’t allowed to buy the old tech anymore, in case you forgot.

There were plenty of viable alternatives in place, like halogen.