I know I am Conservative but Anti-vaxxers are starting to piss me off

LOL, not every state has restrictions on indoor venues. I’ve been to a zillion concerts in my life, I have no desire to be in a loud crowd any longer. The last concert I went to was probably over 15 years ago.

Right now football games and restaurants are probably the only things I got to. I need neither a mask or vaccine to do so.

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This is why Americans push back at the slightest thing. We don’t want to let it get to what it’s like in China or Australia.


I get that, but my comment was more about is that the end game of those who want to be virtuous in their blind allegiance. Is the end game everyone who does not conform or obey cannot participate at all in their utopian society, as in you are only allowed in your own living room/area.

The fact you aren’t confined there now seems to piss them off to no end.


You are really imaginative to ascribing evil motives to libs, aren’t you? I’m out and about having fun, what do I care if Gooddad is also? Totally cool by me. I’m certainly not pissed, none of my lib friends are either. I really doubt lib pols are. But if it makes it easier for you to despise libs, go on and keep imagining what we are thinking and what nefarious end goals we have. Boo! Did I scare you? :grinning:


He didn’t address that reply to you, nor mention you. Yet somehow your yelping indicates that you think it was about you.

But there is a saying: When you throw a rock into a pack of dogs, the one that yelps is the one that you hit.



[quote=“Guvnah, post:1329, topic:240034, full:true”]

I’m a lib and have many friends that are libs yet he missed the mark over and over.

I guess we can chalk you up as a fan of broad-brushing. Good to know. I’m merely showing him that his characterization is not apt.

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  1. I’m not a he.

  2. I must have hit a nerve.

That any reply tries to downplay what we are actually seeing in real time (the firing of employees, quarantining of people not sick, refusal of service if you don’t have the jibby jab etc.

Tell me again how it’s not getting worse and how most libs are fighting against all that happening to protect everyone’s rights during all this.

Yeah, I think I was right with my second point.


Quick defense by someone for something they say isn’t happening wouldn’t you say. Given the lack of pushback from a certain group, I would say the thought of confining certain unclean people to their homes is enticing.

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They would love it if the unvaccinated were confined like that. They would probably love to use some of the Australian restrictions, but only for the unvaccinated. I remember praise for SK and how they handled the pandemic.


Of course they would. Just looking at how things are being handled now and the incremental creep is enough to show people with any sense that if not checked and stopped it will only get worse.

Of course, those who don’t see it or think it’s for “the good” of everyone only believe so because it either doesn’t affect them personally or hasn’t affected them personally yet and they think it never will.

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Ok, you know best. Have fun demonizing.


Demonizing? Nah, just stating what is happening and where it could lead if not put into check.

Give up to a govt some rights, you will never get them back.

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We? That’s your fabrication. You make up a lot of crap. :man_shrugging:

Dude, of course it’s my fabrication. We all offer opinions on a routine basis on this site. You need to get over yourself, you aren’t anything special. But it’s always a pleasure! :beer:

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Maybe some don’t want it. But the genie is out of the bottle. The Whitehouse is officially nuts

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Depends on the definition of pleasure I suppose. How is your boy, the One Horse Dog Faced Pony Soldier, working out for ya. And, now we have the NIH admitting to funding Fauci"s folly, the Chinese Wuhan Factory.


President BuyDem is a real piece to ■■■■■ He is the One Horse Pony Soldier And leader of the ship of fools. I bet Obamanation is shaking his head right now at his former ex-vice president’s piss poor performance.

Funny no one cares that the government did do this to the world.

And it is a lie. I believe it was deliberate.

At least you own up to fabricating it.

Your points are all right on the money :+1:

They do seem extra pissed off that most red states are open instead of having that thumb pressed tightly upon everybody.

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