I know I am Conservative but Anti-vaxxers are starting to piss me off

Good Lord. Extreme Karenism in the wild.

The worst part of it is she probably has kids.


Sorry, no preaching intended. It was more of the uninitiated that see $20 an hour and think that’s great. They don’t see the limited hours and days and it’s impact on an annual amount.


Yep. $20 per hr for 30 hrs, equates to $15 per hour full time. That’s not a living wage. Only retirees or multiple jobbed people can make a go of that. Then throw in the split shift and it gets even worse.

I would have coughed back and said, “enjoy your bacterial pneumonia, bitch.”

Actually he has a point.

The husband I know who had to make some temporary living arrangements elsewhere has an overweight wife. Her friend, the one who doesn’t accept the COVID-19 vaccinations and got sick & spread it is obese.

Those who are obese are at higher risk of poor outcomes to this new form of an old virus:

My question is why not both treat obesity AND get vaccinated?


Because of $$$ is my main guess. It’s much more profitable to treat/manage sickness than to prevent it.

I’m sad for a nice young friend (about 30) who caught the virus. She admitted without the vaccinations her symptoms would probably be worse.

She’s young, nowhere near obese and got infected. Two health care worker family members (in their 30s) got the virus, and one who previously advocated “natural immunity” is saying just get the damned shot.

The vaccination is tyranny group is really starting to get on my nerves.


I think they are the ones being tyrannical.

Me, too.

At first I saw numbers, as in a majority recover at home.

Some don’t, and I’m really hoping my friend doesn’t end up with complications later in her life.

I thought exposure could grant immunity. But then I remember I had shingles 30 odd years after a mild case of chicken pox, and it wasn’t pleasant.

They should just get the gosh darned vaccine rather than contributing to the problem. They seem to want no end at all to the virus since any solution infringes on their freeberty.


Found this when I got curious and looked up “what’s it like to die from COVID-19?”

From Vox:

“A thousand bees stinging you from the inside”
“Impending sense of doom”
“Lungs on fire”
“Band around the chest”

To me, this sounds like something worse than a constant panic attack- because at least panic attacks don’t have the pain.


You seem to be on the up and up about therapy options. I would love it if you could post where you get your info so I can stay up to date, too.

Truly, I wouldn’t wish COVID-19 on anyone; it sounds just horrible. But that also involves wanting people to take necessary precautions.

I wouldn’t say on the up and up. I have a strong mind-body connection and I know what my body needs to prevent and overcome common illnesses. It all starts with a healthy diet, and that goes way beyond vitamins and minerals. Our bodies also require things like terpenes, flavonoids, microbes, etc… Physical exertion, ample sleep (including the sleeping environment), etc…

As far as info goes, I usually only post from the NIH when I’m speaking to something specific (like the ACE2 receptors) and let people turn their own gears.

The Kung Flu just happens to be another in a long list of ailments that can be easily treated/prevented with simple foods when it comes to healthy individuals with no preexisting health issues.


Excellent post! I consider staying healthy to be a part-time job that I just have to do. Between meal prep and workouts I probably spend 20 hours a week on it. Sure, I miss a lot of Netflix binging and televised sports, but it’s worth it for me. Five years ago, this lifestyle would have seemed “extreme” to me.

  • Lift weights in the mornings
  • Try to get some sunlight
  • Eat low carb, avoid seed oils, and practice intermittent fasting
  • Walk in the evenings
  • Prep the next day’s lunch
  • Get to sleep early enough

It’s a necessity, but it’s also a hobby.

Your healthy lifestyles are commendable, but they won’t protect you from the virus.

No, they really won’t. While it may protect against the poorest outcome, it won’t protect against acquisition of the virus, and hospitalization is significantly higher among unvaccinated individuals:


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OK, doc. :rofl:

I wonder what kinds of “healthy” foods that dude ate. Most nutritionists I know still advocate the “high-grain, pound the granola and all the natural sugar you want, 6 meals a day” way of eating. I knew a marathon runner who ate this kind of ■■■■ who dropped dead of a heart attack. He appeared to be “perfectly healthy” though.

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And tell us, how many people who have acquired natural immunity have not been hospitalized?

Well over 50% of everyone who’s ever caught the Lung Pow have never had any symptoms, and that was before the vaccine even came out.
