I just want to thank Sen. Joe Manchin



Sure it is.

I haven’t read the latest posts…I am assuming those who started this thread off by praising Joe Manchin now are seeking his head?


My personal opinion is…is Sinema off in the weeds ready to blow this up?

Because this was some prime outmaneuvering of McConnell…who said he wasn’t going to let the chips bill pass if Build Back Better was revived.

Shortly after the chips bill passed…this comes back.

From the little I have read about this tax, I might agree with it. Are income taxes considered in pricing? Sure. Companies don’t establish prices just to cover their costs, they also need to include a profit for stockholders, like you, me, teachers retirement funds. If taxes are raised from 0 to 50%, you may not be able to make up all of it by raising prices but you are going to do so as much as possible.

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Slight edit to a post from earlier in this thread. I guess it should also include manchin. I just heard on Fox taxes on coal are going up. Isn’t manchin from West Virginia?

In the last 2 days our bureaucrats have voted to spend more than half a trillion dollars that we don’t have. In the same week that the Biden recession became official. 15% races on corporations…awesome…which will be passed on to we the people…so much for “no new taxes on people making under 400k.” That POS Biden has buried people making under 400k.

One more thing about this Biden manchin Schumer joke announced today. Anything that starts with “the climate crisis”…weather is not a climate crisis. If we’ve learned anything in this country and around the world over the last couple of years especially it’s that public policy made to solve the non existent climate crisis is stupid public policy. You don’t believe me ask Norway and Sri Lanka about their ESG scores.

Nice going libs we are all once again being asked to pay the price for your dumb votes.

I love the financial critiques when dems are in power

Any tax that affects costs - taxes or tarrifs on material for example - would of course be figured into pricing. But after profit taxes, in my experience, no so much.

Costs and demand set prices and they will be set as high as possible. No need to wait for an increase in income tax to make you raise your prices.

Do you know what happened to the deficit under trump. Even before covid?

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Tax is tax, regardless of where in the financial flow it is taken.


That part of his presidency was bad.

So now let’s do twice as much harm under this president!

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Deflection noted. If I had voted for the out of touch senile old fart currently occupying the White House I would want to talk about anything else as well.

Yes the deficit is too high.

Do you know what has happened to inflation, the border, Afghanistan, crime, gas prices, consumer confidence and Americans general impression re: are we going on the right track or the wrong track since that lying corrupt old POS Biden moved into the White House? We are supposed to believe that fool never talked to hunter…even those we literally have mountains of evidence that he was part of hunters businesses. We are supposed to believe the border is closed, mayorkas keeps saying it, Biden’s never changed policy he must believe it, even though it’s obviously wide open.

Now we are supposed to believe that we aren’t in a recession which is Defined as 2 quarters of negative growth, we have had two quarters of negative growth…but since clueless joe and the pips spent all week redefining recession we really aren’t???

And since inflation is defined as too many dollars chasing too few goods and the Biden ites are now trying to spend several hundred billion dollars we are supposed to believe that’s an anti inflation bill???

Really??? How stupid do lefties think we are??


But trump. It’s your man in the big house now time to talk about the mess he is making.


My own personal opinion? This was a calculated political move, I believe Manchin was always on board but they wanted to draw out the fight for maximum “we saved it”

This of course has no basis in anything other then my own head, Sinema throws a wrench in this idea if she derails things but who knows

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That too, knock em all down a peg or four. They forfeited republicans good will, hope they choke. I am more and more listening to far left then far right.

He lived long enough to become the villain. :rofl:

I’m disappointed.

The thing about this is that in a hissy fit … the GOP changed their vote against helping veterans and the House GOP is planning on flipping and voting against the Chips act.

So just a few months before an election they are making it so ads can be run that they are against helping Veterans and votes against re building out the tech manufacturing sector so we don’t have to be as reliant on China.

That is some strategery on their part.


I think they are putting a lot of faith in their culture war stuff. As Bannon said: “flood the zone with spit”.

And it probably will work.

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