"I have to live with someone else's choice"

Should Nick Vujcic have been aborted ? We all have to live with other people’s choices. The problem is our attitude to dealing with other people’s choices, not the fact that we have to deal with those choices.


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Charlie Gard


That choice is up to his mother not anyone else.

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He probably will when the hypocrisy stops.


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should children to undergo experimental treatment because the parent want it?’
intesting debate.

Charlie Gard

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Oh God I forgot about that one. Why did UK courts deny the right of the parent to chose?

even if his primary doctors view further treatment as futile due to brain damage.

Yes… they found somebody willing to try.

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because the child suffered brain damage due to a seizure and would never recover.

Yes and his primary doctor approved the treatment till he suffered a seizure that resulted in major brain damage.

They don’t know that. And they might learn something that would save the next one.

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Did he respect the parent’s choice?

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Yes they did know that.

His doctors approved the treatment and flew the American doctor to the UK, but before they could start he had a seizure and suffered major brain damage.

No, they didn’t. People recover after doctors have given up a lot. Nobody can predict the future.

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No, he was doing what he though was in the best interest of his patient.

So we should respect the parents’ wishes just some of the time.

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That is up to a Judge when their is a disagreement on medical treatment for someone who is unable to make their own choices.

happen in America too.