"I have to live with someone else's choice"

Because the proposed VA legislation was NOT about palliative care to a dying baby. The VA governor (as well as Pete Buttigieg and many others) tried to inject that as an emotional example to mask the actual implications of these proposed laws.


Not really. For you it’s a black and white issue. For most everyone else it’s not.
That’s why you lose at the ballot box with outright bans on abortion. The American public doesnt agree with you.

Now you could say you dont care about the American public but then that would make you an authoritarian.

Something ive seen you rail against the left being time and time again.

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We saw the laws…they were posted on here…your emotional attempt is noticed

The law only deal with terminally ill babies.

Please stop with the stupid whataboutisms.


There was no concept of elective 3rd trimester abortions or gender-selection abortions back when R.v.W passed, but look where the slippery slope has brought us already.


Why? Truth hurts?

It’s a direct example addressing what you posted.


Yet is irrelevant pearl clutching

The rest of this wont happen…

That’s the p’ball we all know and love.

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I will admit there are exceptions that laws don’t cover.

Are you going to admit that fetus is a human life? Yes or no?

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Is there any data collected and reported on reasons for abortion?

Giving right back at yeah buddy

The law doesn’t allow what your suggest at all.

He’s proof that a fetus has the potential to become a human life. Something that pro-lifers constantly conflate. Thus the reason why they are con-fused.

Doesnt bother me what you call it. My right to privacy trumps everything else.

A fetus is a potential human being. With the correct people I can agree to a limited ban on abortions with the cap being after 20 to 24 weeks.

A clump of cells it’s not a human being. A fetus isnt quite there yet.

That logic is already on display in this thread.

If abortion in Russia wasn’t illegal than it wouldn’t have been a failed abortion.

I.e. he would be dead instead of disfigured.

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98.3% of abortions are a black and white issue.
.3% are rape
.03% are incest
The rest is a combination of health of the mother or an unsurvivable fetus.

That leaves 98.3% are just an inconvenience.


everything is a slippery slope.

Thanks Data. It turns out that women’s (and trans men) autonomy is important regardless of your “inconvenience” judgement.

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The reason someone get an abortion is no-one business.