I Have A Question About "Vigilante"

:rofl: No it hasn’t.

i ll be checking on that. but it doesnt change my point

Your point being what?

Did you read that article by noted debunker “Guest Blogger”?

that polices forces are understaffed, underpaid and limited in power

if theyre not all “yes maam yes sir” bidy cam scrutiny they get ■■■■■ i dont get the anti-cop attitude but whatever

just as i remember

“…three months after the start of the trial of German Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichmann in Jerusalem. Milgram devised his psychological study to explain the psychology of genocide”

the first experiment was in early 60’s but thats a detail

More order less freedom. More freedom less order.

You mentioned WWII atrocities. There was another group who studied that same psychology of power - the Frankfurt School. The conclusions were pretty close

Why shouldn’t a cop “all yes ma’am yes sir”?

I’ve earned it.

Why should a citizen get nervous when approached?

Why can he rest his hands on his gun butt and I have to take mine out of my pockets?

Why can he run his cake hole at me behind shades, but I have to show eyes?

Not the 50s. The Stanford Experiment was about law enforcement.

Ridiculous thread.

Vigilantes are a good thing only to people like you who may be trained and equipped to protect yourself from rogue vigilantes who have made you their target.

Most people are not prepared to defend themselves against vigilantes.

If you want that kind of individual anarchy, fine . That’s a valid thread topic … especially the “how we transition from where we are to that desired end state of yours”. But to propose that we - in the current society in which we live and work - could tolerate vigilantes is absurd.

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i thought we were talking about Stanley milgram

def about nazi authority and the trials of the time.

because they are more likely to get shot at than you

Another experiment. Milgram’s student.

The Stanford Prison Experiment.

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Because I don’t want people killing people because say they marry the wrong persons in the eyes of e vigilante. As one example.

Because no one wants yahoos taking the law into their own hands?

Ex. Ahmaud Arbery.





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they shouldnt. and dont

i’m not the one who brought that up

Why? You didn’t cheer on the Koreans? The lawyer couple on the lawn in St. Louis? The father in Louisiana who killed his son’s molester? The counter-rioters last summer?

The state is failing and/or choosing not to engage. Good way to lose the consent of the governed.

What’s worse about “rogue vigilantes” than “thugs”? And then there’s the police, who I can’t fight. Police who keep me from fighting for myself, who won’t protect me.

I’ve seen this in color on a scale you can’t imagine.

Fairly accurate.

I watched it unfold.

That’s not at all true.