I hate to say it but Putin may be the only rational authoritarian with a brain

When a Democrat uses the power of their office to try to overturn an election that they lost I will stand with you condemning their actions.

Until then……

Just to make it clear to the liberals here, I do not like, respect, or support Pukin Putin. But I tend to beliece he is the only rational authoritian with a brain. And he does not want NATO to take over the Black Sea. We would not like China or Russia to take over the Caribbian.

Xi is on par with him if you want to compare brains without lionizing them.

We wouldn’t have to be an authoritarian country to have that desire.

But on the other hand… Putin is a “real leader” unlike the elected leader we have.

Really. which part?

That Trumpists/Conservatives heap praise on Putin?
Just read this thread.

That Putin is a former Communist, high ranking officer in the KGB and later head of the FSB?
Just look it up.

Or that Trumpists/Conservatives call anyone on the Left a Commie?
Just spend an hour, or so, at this forum.

I heart this post.

Especially: random conservative response generator

You can continue being ignorant on this subject. Fine by me.

Alaskan oil doesn’t have anywhere near the attraction that it did years ago. With the technological advances that enabled economic fracturing of tight oil/gas, it is far more economic to drill in Texas than Alaska. Even if they opened up ANWR, I doubt they would get many bidders. Heck, my company let a lease lapse for years in Alaska because it wouldn’t make much money compared to the Permian. They only drilled to satisfy the lease requirements.

If you think ANWR is some gold mine of oil, your thinking is about 15 years outdated.

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Only in the minds of feverish righties who believe what they hear on talk media.

Most people in America have never experienced real tyranny…they are spoiled rotten and believe disagreement with them means the destruction of America.

Demeans and belittles those who have truly suffered.


When they start comparing Fauci to Mengele, the Rubicon has been crossed into absurdity.

In the world of you Progressive Messiah, the One Horse Dog Faced Pony Soldier, "Gimme a break. C’mon man.”

Depends one one’s definition of absurdity. :cowboy_hat_face::joy:

Are you suffering. Are you stressed out and a victim? The One Horse Dog Faced Pony Soldier will make all things better for the victims of TDS.

You the one who brought up anwr, some major, and how you people are smarter than I.

Well I am a smelly Walmart shopper hoping the woke folks don’t burn down my store to get even with police officers and run some woke folk defund reality trip.

What generator was that? I had to buy a generator recently for my 1962 Ford F-100 Pickup Truck.

Sounds like I hit a little liberal progressive sore spot

  1. Camp brought up ANWR, I responded and you jumped into the conversation, apparently without knowing it’s origins.

  2. Ignorance on a topic, not as a human. No shame in that. I’m ignorant on gun particulars, for example.

Your democrats spent four years using the power of their office to try and overturn an election they lost and I can’t remember you condemning them. No you still are proud of what they did.


Look at you can’t defend jbiden wanting to change the rules because he was told no just like putin would do. So, what do you do but post a bunch of dribble because you know that jbiden and the dems are becoming more like putin every day and you love it.


You are confusing rational with intelligent. A rational dictator does not release a highly contagious virus, deadly to those with compromised health, onto the world in which his own people live, to gain a power and economic advantage over his competitors. An intelligent dictator might.


That so accurately exposes the socialists’ Orwellian facts down the memory hole mentality.

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