I hate to say it but Putin may be the only rational authoritarian with a brain

Well, I don’t know, but I have a suspicion.

I have this feeling that if Biden loses his next election he won’t gather a mob of people to go and attack the Capitol.

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Yes… Law Enforcement being afraid of the Clinton’s disappearing them is completely rooted in reality.

You got that right Paul. +10

He would have to be popular and inspire loyalty to do that, but he isn’t; or pay for a rent a mob, which is possible.

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Or… and now hear me out… it’s all made up. All of it.

The one that is firmly rooted in reality… yes

Well since they mastered ballot harvesting, Biden’s handlers could harvest a mob.


Woke crooks


Or… instead of the last guy… actually loves the country enough to not tear it apart for his own power.

Why are conservatives never funny?

Depends on if one suffers from TDS or not.

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Yeah… mob… attack … Capitol.

No love of country

Putin would be proud

This theead is just full of win.

Comparing American politicians to a Russian strong man is precious considering how much you guys love yourselves strongmen

Is this award season or something and are you competing for stupidest posts on the board?

No proof of anything other than what blog man told you

Creating money without increasing production is the essence of inflation.

Electric cars are nice toys for rich people who can afford them and have an extra fossil driven car for vacation trips and other long trips. Wanting them to be ready to take over is not the same as their being ready to,take over.
No way are windmills or any other sun driven energy source going to near term replace the energy provided by fossil fuels…whereas we had already achieved energy independence with fossil fuels.

I won’t even go into how closing businesses is bad for the economy including inflation…that is too obvious. But think more free money chasing fewer services.

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If you stay on topic the answer is right there.

***Russian President Vladimir Putin in a new interview pointed to arrests stemming from the deadly Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol as evidence that the U.S. cracks down on political dissent when challenged about the Kremlin’s actions. ***

Putin said the arrests of hundreds of suspects in the insurrection and the death of one rioter show that the U.S. targets its citizens for their political opinions.

“We have a saying: ‘Don’t be mad at the mirror if you are ugly,’” Putin told NBC News in an interview ahead of his in-person meeting with President Biden later this week.

Don’t be mad at the mirror if you are ugly.

I will stand by this source and not the climate propaganda you have so clearly brought to us.

Despite the major push for renewable energy by environmentalists, fossil fuels still produce the majority of the energy that we consume today. Renewable energy’s share of the 2019 U.S. energy consumption market has only grown by 4 percentage points in 62 years, despite costing the taxpayer billions of dollars in subsidies. One only needs to watch the Michael Moore film, Planet of the Humans, to understand the folly in using taxpayer money to promote renewable energy, after we have finally achieved domestic energy independence.


He murders his opposition and yet this is what you reference. You gonna win that award. I just know it

Which has absolutely nothing to do with your ridiculous assertion about ANWR and my response. Widespread drilling in ANWR isn’t attractive with a BEP of $75/bbl. Not with the Permian at $35/bbl and deepwater assets in South America around the same.

Where are you going to spend your oil company capital, Camp? Why won’t you answer the simple question?