I hate to say it but Putin may be the only rational authoritarian with a brain

In the form of a climate hoax.

What Americans are experiencing at the pump is the price for having a political party in charge whose agenda is vehemently antagonistic to fossil fuels. Biden has vowed to make the United States achieve net-zero emissions economy-wide by 2050. From the outset, the Biden administration went after fossil-fuel production. In January, he signed executive orders suspending the issuance of oil and gas permits on federal lands and waters. The Biden administration also canceled the Keystone XL Pipeline, and has recently admitted that it’s considering shutting down a pipeline in Michigan. Canceling Keystone automatically led to a loss of thousands of jobs. If the Michigan pipeline is canceled, more jobs will be lost and energy prices will spike.

Meanwhile in Russia…

Blaming Biden’s policies… meanwhile in reality, more offshore drilling permits under the Biden administration are way up.

The Keystone XL pipeline would not affect the price one bit.

And of course Putin isn’t going to “believe” in man made climate change… his stolen wealth is built on petrol money. He is rich… he won’t be affected… so why should he care?

Actuality is not blaming. Prices are up up up. releases reserves for a short lived news cycle.

His fossil fuel hostility is the reason. ANWR in particular.

Pipelines really do matter.

Pretty clear what works and what does not in energy.


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Didn’t Putin broker the Minsk accord. Why would he now want to undo that?

They are issuing permits in other places in the country like is it going out of style… so it is kind of hard to make the claim that they are “hostile” to fossil fuel.

Plus… in the real world… the recently passed Infrastructure bill has $25 Billion in new subsidies for fossil fuels while the Build Back Better portion which contains the green energy provisions is pretty much dead.

So be rejoiceful… you guys are winning.

Why would issuing permits in ANWR lower gas prices?

Do you know how many pieces of Hunter Biden artwork a fossil fuels permit costs these days?


Do you guys use a random conservative response generator?



People shouldn’t judge others by their own behaviour. We are not all like.


It is a pretty wild response to talk about Hunter Biden when talking about drilling permits.

Really weird.

Little substance.

The winning is on its way in 2022.

I am confident that policies will be revised to correct much of the inflation. The question is how long and how many new entitlements will be initiated before it is.


By doing what?

Funny how people mention Putin “disappearing” enemies but talk about the Clintons and Obama disappearing friends who have become liabilities is called crazy talk.


Who have the Clinton’s and Obama disappeared?

Seems like law enforcement would be interested to know any evidence that would prove those crimes.

The opposite of what is being done now…to keep things simple since we have strayed WWAAYY off topic.


You brought it up.

What is in the GOP policy position that will work to curb inflation?


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“Law Enforcement” doesn’t want to be "disappeared too.

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Unless you are Ray Epps or ScaffoldCommander or disappearthefence guy. Those guys have nothing to fear. They know the owner.

Oil companies aren’t racing to drill ANWR where the break even price is about $75/bbl when the Permian is around $35/bbl. Where would you expend your capital, Camp? ANWR or Permian?

This thought that lack of ANWR or Keystone is holding us back from low cost gas is right wing propaganda.

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I believe you have referenced the “kleptocracy” of Putin in this thread. Pointing out that kleptocracy isn’t unique to Russia would seem relevant.

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