I Don't Believe the 500,000 New Jobs Numbers

I posted it above

Comey - Political appointee.
Brennan - Postmaster General, retired after 5 year appointment.
McCabe - Fired by the Attorney General based on reports from the DOJ IG, and FBI Disciplinary Office. Since reinstated and given pension.


So the upshot is he technically could fire anyone but would need a very good reason for doing so, which he didn’t appear to have with Fauci.
Or at least be reassigned.
Andrew Mccabe had to go to court to have his pension reinstated.
These people were insulted publicly on the daily by the President of the USA, which was uncalled for IMO.

So you got nothing?

No, your post had nothing, mine had something.

No that is not what we said. Like I said go up and read the link I provided.

Your link said he could have been reassigned but he didn’t do that because it was universally agreed he was the leading expert in this field.
So what was the problem with Fauci again?

So he couldn’t be fired like I said

He lied numerous times

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Again, who?

Why is it characterised as lies when the whole world was figuring this thing out and making mistakes along the way.
More important to admit and act accordingly than not.

He was figuring out what the definition of gain of function was? I am not your Google. Educate yourself.

:roll_eyes: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :+1:

I’m pretty sure he already knew what gain of function was, being that he was a leading expert in his field.
I’m also sure that google won’t help me in sharing your opinion on the man.
The link you provided up thread was very clear about Fauci’s impeccable credentials so thanks for that.

Yep an he lied about it.