I do see some signs of hope within the GOP

I don’t think so. People will get angry if the state of NY attempts to indict him but should the fed’s go after him that would be something that might really spur a rebellion.

The faster route is to continue this insane revenge scheme against anyone associated with him and those who have supported him.

There has been no actual evidence put out that he’s guilty of any of those.

Go ahead though, and set the precedent for the future but don’t bitch when the same starts happening to former democratic office holders including former democratic presidents.

By criminalizing political opposition you set your country up for a violent revolution.


And I never said that he was. I was pointing out that there are active investigations as reported.
And I do believe that he is going to be found guilty of multiple indictments. Because I believe that he is a crook and a slime.

Anyone who commits crimes should be prosecuted. I don’t care what their political background is.
Do you really think I think otherwise?

This is your post is it not?

Oh no, these new rules aren’t going to apply to them silly rabbit.


Go for it! I’ll be living way out in the boonies so it likely will not effect me much, but if the left thinks they can just keep pushing & pushing with no pushback or consequences they are more insane than I already give them credit for.

Imagine a republican run town using a republican prosecutor & put Obama in jail.

With the year long track record of democrats looting, killing, burning, & rioting, just what you think would happen? Hmmmm?

The same on steroids if they do that to Trump. The left took over the congress & presidency & can’t be happy with that! No, they want to shut up the entire right on social media, take our gun rights, do impeachment II, & then they want to put Trump in jail? ok… GO FOR IT! See what happens. Insane!

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The only reason he’s even being investigated is the fact he became president.

That is criminalizing political opposition.

“Show me the man, I’ll find you a crime”.


Trump even mentioned once that he was surprised of the scrutiny that he was put under.
He really didn’t recognize that he was going to be put under a strong microscope when he became POTUS.
I said from the beginning that he would rue the day that he became POTUS for exactly that reason.
I fully believe that if he had not run for POTUS his organization would have not been examined so closely.
His mistake. His consequences.

Again you’re confirming that we’re criminalizing political opposition.

As a rule you don’t launch an investigation until someone with credible evidence you’ve committed a crime comes in and files a criminal complaint.

Don’t complain when it starts happening to democrats as well nor when the inevitable backlash from the public occurs.

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I do not complain when anyone breaks the law.

Once again ignoring the part about how investigations are run as a rule.

Who filed criminal complaints against Trump and provided credible evidence he’d committed a crime to justify launching these investigations?

On Jan 6th Senator Pat Toomey said on the floor of Congress…

“We witnessed today the damage that can result when men in power and responsibility refuse to acknowledge the truth. We saw bloodshed because a demagogue chose to spread falsehoods and sow distrust of his own fellow Americans.”

On Jan 6th Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said on the floor of Congress…

" President Trump claims the election was stolen. The assertions range from specific local allegations to constitutional arguments, to sweeping conspiracy theories. I supported the President’s right to use the legal system. Dozens of lawsuits received hearings in courtrooms all across our country. But over and over the courts rejected these claims, including all star judges, whom the President himself has nominated. "

"The voters, the courts, and the states have all spoken. They’ve all spoken. If we overrule them, it would damage our Republic forever. This election, actually, was not unusually close. Just in recent history, 1976, 2000 and 2004 were all closer on this one. The Electoral College margin is almost identical to what it was in 2016. This election were overturned by mere allegations from the losing side, our democracy would enter a death spiral. We’d never see the whole nation except an election again. Every four years would be a scramble for power at any cost. "

I heard a man at the riot that was screaming “This is not who we are.”

I see reality sinking in.

This isn’t “reality” it’s political posturing, maneuvering and opportunism on display.

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On Jan 6th Senator Kelly Loeffler, after pledging to to challenge certification of the electoral votes and losing her Senate seat the day before, said…

“Mr. President, when I arrived in Washington this morning, I fully intended to object to the certification of the electoral votes. However, the events that transpired have forced me to reconsider and I cannot now in good conscience object to the certification of these electors. The violence, the lawlessness and siege of the halls of Congress are abhorrent and stand as a direct attack on what my objection was intended to protect, the sanctity of the American democratic process.”

She dropped Trump and voted for democracy.

it’s political posturing, maneuvering and opportunism on display.


“The truth can be ugly, and many people don’t always want to hear it. They would rather have their beliefs and wishes validated, because it’s easier and simpler. But the truth must always prevail if we are to uphold our system of self-governance, and the truth is this—there is no proof of widespread voter fraud. Further, any remedy for election disputes does not lie with Congress, but in the Courts; and we have seen scores of lawsuits filed and lost because those who bring them either lack standing or credible evidence of these frauds. If there was such evidence, it would have been presented by now. But the lawsuits have been dispensed, and no State has offered a competing slate of Electors. Therefore, there was nothing of merit for Congress to really debate today .

“Our nation asks millions of young Americans to risk their lives for their country in defense of freedom, democracy, and the national interest. I know this from my own service in the military. So how can we honor those brave women and men if members of Congress are not willing to risk their political futures for the same? The job of an elected official is one of service above all else, and I view the lies and false promises made to the masses as an utter disservice to the People, and to the Republic itself .

On Jan 6th Congressman Adam Kitzinger said on the floor of the Congress…

For the last few years, misinformation and fear has been fed into people for profit and power, and for too many years, leaders around the country said nothing and sometimes echoed those messages because of the belief that winning, no matter the cost, was worth everything.

Today, we saw the result of ignoring these warning signs.

People look to Washington to give hope. Instead, we simply amplify fears. People look to us for expertise on what can and can’t be possible. Sometimes it is easier to say what makes people feel good instead of the hard facts.

Today, some Members of Congress argue that we can unilaterally pick the next President, that with our glorious wisdom, armed with Twitter, we know better than the American people. Some have shown that, if conspiracies are repeated enough, they become facts and they aren’t disputed.

Even here in this Chamber after the events today, some speeches have been shockingly tone-deaf.

I have seen people applaud cheap political lines that are embarrassing. Power and cultural fights have divided us so much that they are the ultimate goal now, and sometimes the oath we swear to uphold feels like a prop. People have been lied to by too many for too long.

So here is the truth: Joe Biden won this election, the effort will fail, and everybody knows it.

For some out there, this isn’t about making a statement for the betterment of our country; it is about avoiding the pain of leveling with the people and telling them the truth: the emperor has no clothes.

I know many are disappointed in the result, but what legacy are we leaving? Have our kids seen the day where Ronald Reagan and Tip O’Neill had a beer over their differences, or have they learned that to lead, you must tweet, and sometimes all in caps, because now this is Hollywood, fame is the ultimate goal?

But the first step that we can take to restore this is to reject the charade, and what happens next is up to us. We get threatened with primaries; we worry about the political implications. But our names will long be forgotten; the legacy of now will exist.

The bottom line: If we ask men and women to be willing to give their lives for this Nation and we talk about their service with tears in our eyes, shouldn’t we be willing to give up our jobs to uphold that Constitution?

Yes, I see hope within the GOP.

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I’ll go with “All of the above.”

Throwing fire extinguishers at police officers. Dragging and beating police officers. Killing a police officer. Injuring police officers.

It was a mere walk in the park.


They held representatives of a branch of our government hostage and tried to stop a constitutional process from happening. This was not a minor thing like you are trying to make it seem. A police officer died. Another one was beaten. It also lasted more then a couple of hours not minutes.